Saturday, February 29, 2020

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 178 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 29

Dhara Dharoshto  Jaladhoththaroshto  Dharyanantho Girishringa Dhamshtra: | Dhvanthantharasyo Vithathadhva Jihva:  Parushanilashvasadhavekshanoshna: ||

Krishna was five years old; as usual, he joined with the large group of children of cowherds and herd of cows in the wood.  Aghasura who is the emissary Kamsa, arrived as a giant serpent to kill Krishna and the cowherds.  He has assumed a colossal form, wide opened his lower jaw on the ground and upper jaw raised up to the sky, stretched his long tongue resembles a pathway to a cave, and the sharp tooth has the appearance of hills.  The children of cowherds noticed a beautiful cave in the wood for the first time, even though they were regular visitors to this place.  Instantly, all the children rushed inside the beautiful cave with great enthusiasm, did not wait for any instructions from Krishna.  Aghasura did not shut its mouth was waiting for Krishna to enter into his mouth.  Krishna felt sad for the children of cowherds who dashed inside the mouth of Aghasura, they mistook the appearance of the demon and entered in its mouth putting themselves into troubles.  Krishna thought for a second “The children of the cowherds are already taken shelter in me, they have rushed to danger without the knowledge of its real nature, finally trapped in deep trouble, they have no one other than me to protect.  Therefore I should not keep myself away from them.” Krishna mentally prepared to protect the children from the mouth of Aghasura and performed the amusement of Aghasura Moksham, thus he entered into the mouth of Aghasura, reached on the neck area of the serpent, and suddenly Krishna increased the size of his body.  In this way he blocked the air passage of Aghasura completely, he felt suffocated, his were popped out of breathlessness, eventually, his huge body rip opened.  Krishna looked at the children of cowherds mercifully, a brilliant circle of light adorned Krishna, came out with the children who were already unconscious due to the influence of venomous air inside the stomach of Aghasura.   Thus the demon Aghasura attained Moksham when Krishna was five years of age, Alas! The children of cowherds could realize it when Krishna was six years of age.

King Pareekshith enquired Shukha Bhramam “Oh! Bhraman, why did the children of cowherds take a year to understand the Aghasura Moksham performed by Krishna?.”

The human intellect has numerous capabilities to elevate the soul from material welfare to spiritual welfare, unlike animals.   The human intellect can either adopt wicked nature, or it can elevate the soul with the constant practice of meditation.   Aghasura/sin, who was the emissary of Kamsa had a wicked intention to kill Krishna as long as he was with Kamsa, once his attention turned towards Krishna, he attained salvation from the repeated births in the hands of Krishna, in this way the supreme Lord proved that unless and until the intellect and mind not turned to the knowledge of the Supreme Lord who resides as soul, it is impossible to cross the unfathomable ocean of worldly existence.  Whoever does not elevate their soul with the practice meditation, living life of an extrovert concentrating on material welfare which is temporary nature, forgetting the existence of the supreme soul as a soul would remain sinners/Agha/Jada.  The intellectuals contemplate upon the supreme Lord who resides as a soul as supreme bliss, with the knowledge that all the material matters and people have impermanent nature, would remain fearless, sinless and cross the ocean of worldly existence effortlessly.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 177 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 28

One day, Krishna ordered his companions to bring afternoon meals with them on the next day onwards.  The children of cowherds sincerely followed the order of his little Master; they returned home and informed their mothers about their plan to take away meals to woods so that they can have it while grazing the cows.  As usual, Krishna and Balaram dressed up in their typical costume, attired in yellow silk garment and a beautiful blue upper clothe tied on the waist, flue and stick fastened to the upper clothe, adorned in various ornaments of pearl and gem all over the body, a beautiful knot of curly hair locks on the top of head decorated with peacock feathers and colorful flowers, adorned in armlets, bangles, ear ornaments, and magnificent anklets, his forehead is decorated with sandalwood paste and vermilion.  Balaram attired in blue silk clothe and yellow upper clothe tied around the waist, with simple decorations and his forehead are adorned in sandalwood paste and vermilion.  Krishna called for the cows and calves playing melodious music on flute, soon the children of Vraja also joined with him listening to the melodious music on flute.  All the children carried mud pot full of curd rice with pickles as their afternoon meal.  Thus, Krishna followed by thousands of children with a stick and a huge herd of cow and calves marched towards the woods, they were dancing and singing enthusiastically all through the way.  They reached the wood, kept their mud pot of meal under the tree, and left the cows and calves for grazing and began to play.  Eventually, they all got tired of the various pastimes, started feeling hungry.  They opened their mud pots and shared their meals with each other and happily consumed the meals, Krishna plays melodious music on flute, some children dances to the tunes of music, some children produce the sounds of birds, in this way they extreme pleasure in the company of Krishna.  Lord Bhrama astonished watching the cowherds who are taking immense pleasure in the Bhramam, which is not easily attainable even for the Yogis who undertake extreme penance and experience the bliss, but the cowherds, are truly fortunate to play with the Bhramam, it is impossible to attain the union with the Bhramam without the piousness earned in several births.  Lord Bhrama surprisingly watched the supreme Lord taking absolute bliss in the association of the illiterate cowherds, even the deities who consumed the nectar of immortality did not get that fortune.  Lord Bhrama surprisingly watched the little Krishna seated facing all the children of cowherds who seated half-circled form, shared the meal with each other.  Thus the Supreme Lord who receives oblation from fire sacrifices got extremely satisfied with partaking meals with the children of cowherds.

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 176 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 27

Sa Vai  Bako Nama  Mahanasuro Bakaroopadhrik | Agathya Sahasa  Krishnam Theekshna Thundograsathbali || Krishnam Mahabaka Grastham Dhrishtva Ramadhayorbaka: || Baboovurindhriyaneeva Vina Pranam Vichethasa: ||

Little Krishna along with the children of cowherds, herds of cow and calve arrived on the riverbank of Yamuna.  There was another challenge waiting for Little Krishna, a demon in the form of a pelican/large waterbird with pouched beak, on the river bank, immediately Krishna understood that it is not a normal bird, definitely, it would cause harm.   Instantly the pelican rushed to little Krishna and wide opened its mouth and stuffed little Krishna in its large pouch, but the pelican could not hold on the child on his pouch for a longer time due to the extreme heat, it spews out Krishna,  he dashed to the pelican and rip opened its large beak.  In this way, little Krishna provides salvation to the demon Bakasura.  The children returned home narrated all that happened in the woods; Nandababa remembered the words of Gargacharya that Krishna would face many challenges in his life.  In this way, the Little Krishna spread happiness all over the Vrindavan, performing various amusements and protected the people of Vraja free from troubles and sorrows.

In this legend, pelican represents human intellect, it has endless capabilities.   A studious person performs devotion like a pelican with intense devotion and dedication.  The pelican has an ability to sleep standing on a single leg, and it meticulously catches its pray standing on its single leg.  The Baka prepared to swallow the supreme spirit with its large pouched beak, but Krishna discouraged his effort by rip opening his beak and provided him the union with the Bhramam.  Although the human intellect and mind have immense potential, originated from the supreme soul, it has certain limitations too.  The human intellect has been soaked in worldly matters and sensual pleasures since the moment it has taken birth, therefore it cannot understand the vastness of supreme Lord who is all-pervading, but it can surrender to it and take shelter in it like the river merges in the vast ocean. 

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 175 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 26

The people of the entire Gokulam got ready themselves in their own bullock cart, Balarama and Krishna seated with Devi Rohini and Devi Yasodha in a bullock cart.  The children of cowherds were singing and dancing to the tune of music played by Krishna on his flute, in this way they merrily preceded to Vrindavan.  They did not realize any hardships throughout their entire journey.

Years have passed, once; Krishna expressed his desire to his father, to take the cow and calves for grazing so that he can be with the children of cowherds playing in the woods.  Devi Yasodha worried and put off his idea saying that it won’t be an easy task for her little child, the pathways are too harsh filled with stones, and thorny bushes, it would hurt him.  Krishna enthusiastically explained to his mother that they are born as cowherds, it is the duty of them to take care of cows and calves, and all the children of cowherds are busy with taking care of the cows, so he also should go ahead with the same task.  He promised her that he will put himself in any trouble, would enjoy the company of children of cowherds.  Thus, Devi Yasodha agreed to send him to graze the cows.  It has become a practice on regular basis that Balarama and Krishna would be given a bath by Devi Rohini and Devi Yasodha, before sending the children to grazing the cows, the children will be decorated with various precious ornaments and pearl all over the body beautifully tied the curly hair locks on the top of the head and decorated with the feather of peacock, adorned in an armlet, bangles, ear ornaments, pearl ornaments on the neck and chest, dressed in yellow silk garment, flute on one hand and stick on the other, forehead is decorated with sandal paste and vermilion, the eyes are decorated with Kajal,  Krishna, and Balarama followed by the children of cowherds merrily would walk through the pathways of Vrindavan, dancing and singing, the entire people of Vrindavan and Devi Yasodha and Devi Rohini look at the children without even blinking their eyes.  In this way, Krishna took great pleasure in the company of the children, playing melodious music on the flute, passing humors and laughing with them, playing with the calves or monkeys, in this way Krishna engages in various amusements.

Once Krishna was playing on the riverbank of Yamuna with the children of cowherds, suddenly a demon appeared in the form of a calf and joined with the herds of the cow.  Krishna immediately understood the calf is not from their herd, so he informed Balaram with the gesture of eyes.  He took hold of the two legs of the calf and tossed the demon Vathsaka in the air. In this way, he provided liberation to the demon Vasthsasura.

The Vathsasura/calf /Pashubuddhi  is called a person who concentrates only on the outer world/extrovert and believes everything happening before his eyes are true, without the knowledge that the supreme soul/Bhramam is the source of the function of  Indhriyas.  Lord Krishna liberated the Vathsaka who was soaked in the ignorance with the knowledge of outward pleasures was freed with the touch of Krishna, eventually, Vasthsaka understood the presence of the Supreme Lord as his soul who is the source of the function of mind and intellect, Karma Indriyas, and Gnanendhriyas.  The deities showered flowers upon Lord Krishna.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 174 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 25

Vanam Vrindavanam  Nama Pashavyam Navakananam | Gopa Gopi Gavam Sevyam Punyadhrithrinaveerudham || Vrindavanam  Govardhanam Yamunapulinani Cha | Veekshyasidhuththama Preethi  Ramamadhavayor Nripa||

Once, little Krishna and Balarama was playing the children of cowherds in the courtyard for long hours.    Devi Rohini appeared to take the children feeding meals, the children were so wrapped up with various passionate sports did not pay attention to Devi Rohini.   Finally, she went inside the palace and informed Devi Yasodha who approached her little child with her sweet words, he was  already soaked in perspiration and dust, she invited him to take a meal and reminded him about the importance of the day, that was bearing the birth star of little Krishna.  Devi Yasodha considered the supreme Bhramam as her little son, she was so devoted to him and seized his hands; she took Krishna and Balaram inside the palace, thus the children and all the members of the family seated together and a sumptuous meal was served.

In a short while, the senior members of the family of cowherds arrived in the palace of Nandababa to discuss the unexpected events took place in the Gokulam recently.  Nandababa soon joined with them and the senior members expressed their anxiety about the safety of the children of Gokulam.   They have discussed the dreadful Poothana who assumed the form of a beautiful woman and took away little Krishna, and the Shakatasura who caused to crush the bullock cart, the dangerous whirlwind Thrinavarththa that caused horror in the mind of people of Gokulam, in addition to that recently the two trees of Yamalarjuna uprooted with no cause.  Nandababa mentioned that Gokulam has become a threat to the life of the children, so they have to consider shift their residence from Gokulam.  The senior members of cowherds expressed their anxiousness about how could they leave their homes and farm and shift to a new place? Which is the safest place to move?  Nandababa comforted the senior members not to worry about it, he will take care of the welfare of all, thus they have decided soon they will move to a place where cattle can grace, get fodder easily, a place in an abundance of water and greens, and a place to undertake to farm, etc.  Finally, they have arrived in a conclusion to move to the woods of Vrindavana.  Thus, everyone agreed and felt immensely happy to move to the flourished land of Vrindavana.  The children, women, elderly people and men of Gokulam assembled in a place with their belonging in a bullock cart to conduct their journey to the woods of Vrindavana.

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 173 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 24

Kreehini Bho: Phalaneethi Shruthva  Sathvaramachyutha: | Phalarththi Dhanyamadhaya  Yayau Sarvaphalapradha: || Phalavikrayini Thasyachyutha Dhanyam Karadhvayam| Phalairapoorayandhrathnai: Phalabandamapoori Cha ||

Once, an old woman approached the palace of Nandababa with a basket full of fruits on her head, she was calling out the name of fruits wished to meet a potential buyer.   Little Krishna could not resist; he rushed to her and begged for fruits showing his tiny palm.   The old woman was extremely happy to meet her little customer, she delightfully filled his little palm with fruits, he was not satisfied asked her to fill more and more fruits so that he could share with the children of cowherds.  The old woman asked him to pay for the fruits, the innocent child replied that he has no money to offer her, instead he could offer some grains.  He rushed inside the palace and brought a handful of grains without the knowledge of Devi Yasodha, and deposited in the basket of the old woman.  The fruits he collected from the old woman were distributed among the children of cowherds, and Devi Yasodha as well.  The old woman was immensely pleased with the little Krishna, she did not bother of the grains offered by him,  she walked through the paths of Gokulam, after some time all of a sudden she felt heaviness of basket on her head, she was surprised, all she had in the basket was a handful of grains offered by the little Krishna.  She removed the basket from her head, and placed it on the ground, watched the basket and saw a fair quantity of gems and precious stones, the old woman was mystified and kept looking at the basket.  At home, little Krishna amused taking pleasure in the fruits, and thinking about the old woman, he happily offered the fruits after taking a bite to his mother Yasodha, who was so devoted to him. In this way, the supreme Lord who is the Lord of Universe and its living beings, pleased the people who devoted to him.

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 172 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 23

 Gopa Nandhadhaya: Shruthva  Dhrumayo: Pathatho Ravam | Thathra Jagmu: Kurushreshta Nirghatha Bhayashangitha: ||

The Panchama Veda Srimad Bhagavath Puran speaks abundantly about the Bhakti/devotion Gnana/wisdom and Vairagya/abandonment,  Devi Yasodha was trying to fasten her child Little Krishna with ropes of Bhakti, but every time she found the difference of two Angulam known as Gnana and Vairagya.  Therefore the Bhakti with Gnana and Vairagya is important to attain the supreme knowledge of ‘Oneness-in- All’, Gnana can be obtained with the constant association with the Santh and Sadhus, listening to the glorious myths of supreme Lord, singing in praise of him, contemplation, meditation and venation of supreme Lord, self-less service to the devotees of Lord etc. eventually it will provide the serenity of mind/a balanced state of mind that helps to avoid overreaction, and face any challenges in life with composure.  The grinding stone represents the mind and intellect, it can easily adopt any customs, and it can adopt demonic nature as well as saintly nature.  The human mind and intellect has endless capabilities because it has originated from the supreme soul, the ‘I’ consciousness, seeking sensual pleasures and attachment to people and material things keep the person away from the supreme soul who resides as a soul.

The little Krishna split opened the huge YamalaArjuna tree with the grinding stone, and two Yakshas appeared from it, eulogized Lord Krishna and left.  Nandababa and the people of Gokulam rushed to the place where the huge tree uprooted.  They were extremely frightened at the deafening noise of the tree fallen on the ground with a loud thud, they could not believe their eyes; they were surprised to watch two Yamalarjuna trees on the ground.  The children of cowherds explained what happened to the trees when little Krishna dragged the grinding stone between the trees, immediately after that the trees fallen with a great thud, two divine people appeared out of it and offered salutation to Krishna.  Nandbaba could not believe the words of children of cowherds asked them to disappear from the place.  Devi Yasodha and maiden of cowherds waveringly rushed towards little Krishna, released him from the grinding stone.  Devi Yasodha lovingly carried her child brought him inside the palace, gave a bath and fed him.

In a short period of time, little Krishna became beloved of all, moving around all over the village of Gokulam, especially the beautiful young maiden of cowherds showered abundance of love upon him, he danced to their commands as the doll connected to a rope.  He pleased the women of cowherds with his little help; he sincerely followed all the command of the women of cowherds.  Maharishi Vedavyasa describes the nature of the Supreme Lord who resides as a soul in living beings, he is pure, and he is the source of happiness, he has proved his compassion through various passionate sports.  The cowherds of Vraja took great liberty upon the little child of Yasodha and dedicated to the company of Little Krishna without the knowledge of his real nature, in the same manner, little Krishna entertained them by serving them relentlessly.  Like a tug of war, the maiden of cowherds pulled him towards with the rope of devotion, the supreme Lord could not stop him, and he rushed to the cowherds and made them happy.