Thursday, March 26, 2020

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 277 – The legend of Lord Krishna -  128

Samsthuthya Munayo Ramam PrayujyaVithadhashisha: | Abhyashinjan Mahabhaga  Vrithraghnam Vibhudha Yadha|| Vaijayanthim Dhadhurmalam Sridhamamlanapankajam | Ramaya Vasasi Dhivye  Dhivyanyabharanani Cha||

The great battle of Kurukshetra was approaching, Balarama declared that he will assist neither Pandavas nor Kauravas, eventually he undertook a pilgrimage. He went to Badrikashram took a dip in Prabhasa Theertham,  Saraswathi, Bindu Saras,  Bhrama Theertham, Chakra Theertham,  Yamuna, and Ganga finally reached in Naimisharanya.   He attended the recital of Bhagavath Mahapuran in Naimisharanya, it was recited by Sutha Pauranika who is the son of Romaharshana.  There were several thousands of illustrious Shaunakadhis, and rishis assembled, rose from their seats and greeted Balarama.  Sutha Pauranika who was seated on the raised platform on the stage/Vyasagadhdhi continued the recital of the Bhagavath Mahapuran.  Balaram got annoyed to watch Suthapauranika who did not make an effort to raise from the seat and greet him.  Balarama could not control his anger, loudly accused Suthapauranika who did not greet a Mahathma, and sieved his head off from the neck. The rishis and Sages assembled in the Naimisharanya were shocked, openly criticized Balarama for his immoral act, killing a twice-born who was seated on the Vyasagadhdhi and reciting the glorious Mahapuran would bring Bhramahathya sin to him. They expressed their opinion that a preceptor seated on the Vyasagadhdhi need not rise from his seat even if the Lord appears before him.  They instructed Balarama to perform the atonement for the sin,  he immediately agreed to perform penance for his sin of Bhramahathya.  Balarama blessed the clan of Sutha Pauranikas to remain the preceptors who are well qualified to be seated in the Vyasagadhdhi and recite the scriptures.  Thus, Balaram left Naimisharanya and proceeded to various sacred places.

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 276 – The legend of Lord Krishna -  127

 Shishupala Sakha : Shalyo Rukminyudhvaha Agatha: | Yadhubhir Nirjitha: Sankhye Jarasandhadhayasthadha || Shalva: Prathijjamakarocchrunvatham Sarvabhoobhujam | Ayadhavim Kshmam Karishye  Paurusham Mama Pashyatha ||

Salya and Dhanthavakthra were close associates of Shishupala arrived in Dwaraka to take revenge on the subjects of Krishna, he and his army men arrived in Dwaraka before Krishna returns from Indraprastha.  A fierce battle took place between Salya and Pradhyumna who led the army of Yadhavas.  Krishna returned from Indraprastha and witnesses Salya and Pradhumna were having a vicious battle.  Thus, Krishna and Balaram led the army against Salya who was undertaken extreme penances worshiping Lord Shiva, and attained powerful armaments, was skilled in illusionary fights. In that fierce battle, Salya brought Vasudeva in the center of the battlefield and sieved his head off from the neck, before Krishna.  Bhagavan mistook Salya killed his father, Maharishi Vedavyasa writes, the all-pervading Lord who resides as a soul in living beings, remained untouched watching the brutal act of Shalya.  How could the supreme Lord get emotional while the mud pots like human bodies undergo ruin?  Krishna beheaded Salya with his powerful Sudharshana, and killed all his army men; Krishna had a battle with Dhanthavakthra,  in that vicious battle Dhanthavakthra was brutally killed.

Krishna Krishna Mahabhago  Pitha The Pithruvathsala | Badhdhvapaneetha: Shalvena Sainikena Yadha Pashu: || Nisamshaya Vipriyam  Krishno Manushim Prakrithim Gatha: | Vimanasko Ghrini Snehadh Bhabashe Prakritho Yadha||

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 276 – The legend of Lord Krishna -  127

Duryodhana Manabhagam

Thathra Duryodhano Mani Pareetho Bhrathrubhir Nripa | Kireedamali Nyavishadhasi Hastha: Kshipan Rusha|| Sthaleabhyagrihnathdhasthrantham Jalam Mathva Sthaleapathath | Jale  Cha Sthalavath Bhranthya Mayamayavimohitha: || Jahasa  Beemastham Dhrishtva Sthriyo Nripathayoapare | Nivaryamana Apyanga RajjaKrishnanumodhitha: ||

Thus,   the Grand Rajasuya Yagna got over, supreme Lord Krishna allocated the proceedings of the Yagna to people who were skilled in that specific jobs, Vrikodhara undertook the supervision of the Kitchen work, finance was under the control of Duryodhana, Sahadeva receives the guests and provides accommodation facilities for them, Nakula was undertaken supply of ingredients for the worship of deities and for the performance of Yaga,  Arjuna has undertaken the responsibility of receiving the illustrious Rishis, Sages, and Preceptors, Krishna undertook the work of washing the feet of the guests.  Dhrupadhaja/Dhraupadi was doing service in the kitchen; Karna was undertaking the charity works.  Suyodhana and Karna who were expert in their works found it difficult to continue for a long time, the incoming of wealth, richness, money, grains were in abundance, Duryodhana felt jealous watching the wealth of Pandavas. Karna who was skilled in giving away things as charity found the wealth and grains are in abundance, they keep flowing in the palace, soon he too tired of charity.

One day Kurus under the leadership of Duryodhana decided to go round in the magnificent palace Indraprastha of Pandavas, thus they have entered the majestic assembly Hall of Pandavas. He entered the assembly, witnessed the floor were full of water, even though it was a mere illusion, Duryodhana thought it was real, he lifted his garments not to get wet and kept his foot on the floor. Pandavas started laughing at him; Duryodhana understood it was a mere illusion and instructed others no need to keep their garments rolled up.  Thus they entered into another portion of the assembly hall which was decorated with precious gems; he moved forward, thinking that it was an illusion of water, alas! He sunk deep in the water.  Beema could not control his laughter, his boisterous laugh echoed in the palace and all the ladies assembled were started to laugh at Duryodhana who was deeply hurt, promised to himself that he will take revenge on Pandavas for humiliating him publicly.   The Supreme Lord Krishna, who resides as a soul in living beings, could understand the promise of Duryodhana.  Krishna smiled thinking about the future plans of the upcoming battle of Kurukshekthra, he felt relieved to watch the seed for that great battle had sown already in the Indraprastha.

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 275 – The legend of Lord Krishna -  126

Thasmath Krishnaya  Mahathe  Dheeyatham  Paramarhanam | Yevam  Chetha Sarvabhoothamanam Athmanacharhanam Bhaveth|| Sarvabhoothathma  Bhoothaya  Krishnaya Anyadharshine | Dheyam Shanthaya Poornnaya  Dhaththasyam Ananthyamicchatha ||

Shuka Bhramam continues “ Oh! Rajan, the preparation for the Rajasuya Yaga took place in full swing under the supervision of Krishna.  The supreme Lord who is aware of all, controller and protector of the Universe and its living beings undertake the function of the Universe and its living beings incarnated on the Earth as a human and working for the welfare of Pandavas, the thought and watching Krishna amidst them made Yudhishtira’s eyes filled with tears, thinking about the compassionate Lord who has performed as a emissary and a charioteer and an intimate guide,  like the sun illuminates the whole Universe with its brilliance, and do not get attached to anything on Earth.   Yudhishtira could not stop tears of gratitude,  he repeatedly prostrated before the supreme Lord Krishna.  The grand Rajasuya Yaga was attended by illustrious Rishis, Dhvaipayana, Bharadhvaja, Sumantha, Gauthama, Asitha, Vashishta, Chyavana, Kanva, Maitreya, Kavasha, Vishwamithra, Vamadeva, Sumathi, Jaimini, Krathu, Paila, Parashara, Garga, Vaishampayana, Kashyapa, Dhaumya, Rama, Bhargava, and all the sages, Bheeshmapithamaha, Drona, Kripa, Dhritarashtra with his children, rulers of the various Kingdom, Vidura, Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudras were present in that grand fire sacrifice.  The celestials, Siddha, Gana, Gandharva, Vidhyadhara, Mahoraga, Muni, Yaksha, Gaga, Kinnara, and Charana were assembled to witness the grand Rajasuya Yaga held in Indraprastha.   During the ceremonial rites, a question was raised who should be honored and worshiped as prominent in the Yaga.  Immediately Sahadeva rose from his seat and pronounced that the supreme Lord Acchyutha should be worshiped and honored, it would be equivalent to the worship of all the prominent Rishis, Sages, and all the deities.   He is supreme Lord who is beyond time and region, he resides as a soul in living beings, he symbolizes Universe and its living beings, and therefore the worship of him would be equivalent to the worship of all.  He is supreme Lord who is serene and flawless.”  Thus the people assembled in the grand assembly supported the idea of Sahadeva.”

  A grand throne made of the precious yellow metal was brought in the assembly, and invited Krishna to take a seat on the throne, Pandavas along with Devi Draupadi and their children assembled, once again all of their eyes overflown with tears thinking the sacrifices made by Krishna to protect them from all the troubles.  They washed the feet of Krishna with the water brought from the sacred rivers and sprinkled that water on their head.  They adorned Krishna with various precious ornaments, flower garlands, smeared with vermilion and sandalwood paste and rich fragrances, they could not utter a word, and their eyes were overflown with tears.  While Pandavas were worshiping Krishna, the people assembled were cheering “Victory to Supreme Lord Krishna, Victory to supreme Lord!” and showered flower upon him.  Krishna showered compassionate grace upon the people assembled and his marvelous features transported them into the state of ecstasy. 

Shabdha: Kolahaloapyasi Shishupale  Hathe Mahan | Thasyanunayino Bhoopa Dhudhruvur Jeevithaishina: || Chaidhyadhehoththitham Jyothir Vasudevam Upavishath | Pashyatham Sarvabhoothanamulkeva Bhuvikhacchyutha ||

Suddenly, they could hear a boisterous commanding to put a halt on the ceremony, all the eyes were moved to the corner where the deafening voice has raised.  It was Shishupala who expressed extreme hatred on Krishna, cursed himself for attending the function, he abused the elderly people called them behaving like children.  He humiliated the people who honored Krishna; he insulted all those illustrious Rishis and Sages, prominent members in the family of Kuru and Pandava.  He expressed hatred on Krishna, saying that he is the most unsuitable person to worship, as he was born in the clan of Yadhava, so illustrious twice-born and Rishis should be worshiped during the auspicious occasion.   In this way, Shishupala openly criticized Krishna, about his birth in the Yadhava clan, his Maharas with the women of cowherds, ran off from the battlefield for several times, flipped the clothes of women while they were taking bath, abducted Rukmini and married.   Shishupala showered non-stop abuses on Krishna who was seated with a serene smile on his face.  The people assembled were started to leave the assembly, after hearing the chattering of Shishupala was calmed by Krishna.  Finally, he hurled the powerful Sudharshana Chakra toward Shishupala, it sieved his head off from the neck.  The people assembled were cheered in extreme delight.  The companions of Shishupala ran out of the grand assembly.  At that moment Maharishi Narada instructed Yudhistira to watch a brilliant ray rose from the body of Shishupala and it merged in the body of Krishna.

There is an interesting legend about Shishupala who was born with unique bodily features, a saintly person visited the palace and advised the Chedhi King that the child will get its normal bodily features once he seated on the lap of a divine personality, and that person would be the death of the child.  Once, Balarama and Krishna took a visit to Chedhi Kingdom, Shishupala was seated on the lap of Krishna and immediately the child regained normal features, his mother fallen at the feet of Krishna and prayed not to kill her son.  Krishna promised her that he will not kill her son until he commits mistake for hundredth of time.

Whoever reads or listen to the Shishupalavadham would be relieved from all the sins.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 274 – The legend of Lord Krishna -  125

Namasthe Devadevesha  Prapannarththi Hara Avyaya | Prapannan Pahi Na: Krishna  Nirvinnan Ghorasamsrithe: ||

The Kings eulogized the supreme Lord with folded hands “ Oh! Madhusoodhana,  Oh! Devadevesha who remove the miseries and sorrows of the people who are surrendered at your lotus feet, we have no one to protect other than you.  Kindly elevate our souls from the sorrows and grief of worldly existence.  Oh! Bhagavan, we are not grieving over our struggles in the prison, we believe them all as your grace.  If we have not imprisoned by the King of Magadha, we would immerse in the royal pleasure and forget your splendor, we have understood you are absolute truth; all those royal pleasures were unreal.  Jarasandha locked us in prison thereby brought us to supreme consciousness, we were ignorant taking extreme pleasure in richness, wealth, fame and people around us, due to the influence of Maya we believed all those richness, people and fame are permanent.  We forgot to worship and contemplate the supreme Lord who is eternal and changeless.  Jarasandha proved our notions are wrong by keeping us locked in prison.  We were running behind the illusion of water, leaving the real watercourses.  We have lived in illusion, we have understood all those richness and this body is not going to be with us, but we have understood your presence as the supreme soul in us, even after going through all these hardships, if we do not contemplate upon the supreme Lord who resides as a soul in us, our lives will not be fruitful.  Oh! Bhagavan, kindly advise us, how to attain intense devotion and faith upon your lotus feet that could save us from the cycles of repeated births, therefore kindly advise us the methods of devotion.” Thus, the kings eulogized Krishna with his various sacred names.

Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramathmane | Pranathaklesha Nashaya Govindaya Namo Nama: ||

Bhagavan speaks “ Oh! Rajan, you have understood my all-pervasive nature as soul and cultivated intense faith upon me, do not leave your concentration from the supreme soul resides as soul, all these years you have lived your life drenched in worldly matters and bondage without the knowledge  about the body and all those material matters that have impermanent nature.  Therefore, whatever happens in your life, be it sorrow or happiness, gain or loss, do not let your mind and intellect move away from me.  Always contemplate upon me, and perform all those deeds without getting attached to it.”  Thus, the Kings were served with clothes and meals.

Udhaseenashcha  Dehadhavathmarama Dhrithavritha: | Mayyaveshya Mana: Samyag Mamanthe  Bhrama Yasyadha ||

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, after the Jarasandha Vandham, Krishna along with Beema and Arjuna returned to the palace of Yudhishtira.  Krishna narrated all that happened in the Magadha, Yudhishtira could not control his tears thinking about the compassion of supreme Lord Krishna.  Yudhishtira could not utter a word of gratitude to Krishna who was always stood with them during the worst period of time; his eyes were overflowing with tears.”

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 273 – The legend of Lord Krishna -  124

Bhrihathratha/Jarasandha’s father had two wives; the couples had no offspring for quite some time.  Thus, a Puthrakameshti Yaga was performed and the porridge from the sacrificial fire was handed to the King was given to two wives.  They have consumed an equal portion of the porridge and in due course of time, they both got pregnant with a child.  Finally, the two queens delivered a child that had equal halves of the body.  They were alarmed and handed the infant to female attendants in the palace.  They took the infant and discarded in the woods.  There was a woman spirit Jara wandering in the woods searching for food, found two equal halves of the infant, she took the children, and made an effort to join them out of curiosity.  Alas! The infant started crying loudly, even though she had approached the infant to consume it, seeing the loveliness of the child she refused to harm the child.  She fed the child with her bosom milk, she understood the child is not an ordinary one, it had a divine symbol of the royal family.  Thus Jara brought the infant to the palace of King Bhrihathratha who was already mourning at the death of his child.  He was highly pleased and asked the queens to receive the infant from Jara, immediately the two queens realized that it was their own child.  Eventually, the queens narrated all that happened to the King; later the child was named after Jara as a mark of gratitude. Krishna advised Beema who was already exhausted after several days of dual fight with Jarasandha, he patted the body of Vrikodhara affectionately, soon he regained usual energy and instructed him that Jarasandha cannot be killed; Bheema should tear open his body into equal halves.  The duo fight began the next day; Krishna who was closely watching the movements of Beema took a delicate dried stick and rip opened into two equal halves, in this way he reminded Beema how to kill Jarasandha.  Beema pushed him down on the floor and ripped the body of Jarasandha holding one of his legs.  In this way, Jarasandha was killed in the fierce fight with Bheema.  The deities showered flowers on the supreme Lord who is Bhoothabhavana.  Sahadeva who is the son of Jarasandha was crowned as the King of Magadha.   The twenty thousands of Kings who were imprisoned by Jarasandha were released from the prison.  The Kings, who were taking pleasure in the royal comforts, have gone through extreme hardships in the prison without food or water, not even the facilities to wash their own excreta or body parts; they were looked like skeletons without food.  They witnessed the supreme Lord who is adorned in magnificent ornaments, crown, armlets, waist ornaments, Noopura, Srivathsam, Kausthubham, and Vanamala, attired in majestic yellow silk garment, and has a pleasing smile on the face, four arms holding Shankha, Chakra, Gadha Padham,  stunningly beautiful appearance of Janardhana, they immediately forgot all their struggles, and attained immense peace. 

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 272 – The legend of Lord Krishna -  123

 Thath Devadeva  Bhavath Charanaravindha Sevanu Bhavamiha Pashyathu Loka Yesha: | Ye Thvam Bhajanthi Na  Bhajanthyutha Vobhayesham  Nishtam  Pradharshaya  Vibho  Kuru Srijjayanam ||

One day Krishna saw Yudhishtira seated in the assembly with the prominent Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and illustrious Rishis and preceptor.  Yudhishtira was anxious about the proceeding of the impending Rajasuya proceedings; Krishna speaks to Yudhishtira “Oh! Rajan, you need not be anxious, there are Beema and Arjuna to take care of the responsibilities of Ashwamedha Yaga efficiently,” In this way Krishna encouraged Yudhishtira, and advised him to seek wealth for the performance of Ashwamedha Yaga. As a part of Digvijaya, Sahadeva proceeded to East, Nakula was moved to west, Arjuna proceeded to north and Beema to the south, and they have returned successfully after winning over the rulers of those respective regions.

Arjuna, Beema along with Krishna disguised as twice-born and approached the son of Bhrihathradha/Jarasandha who was too obsessed with the twice-born; he received them with great respect, and revealed his willingness to offer anything as a charity.  They entered the assembly of Jarasandha easily, and praised him.  Jarasandha was puzzled to watch them, dubious seeing Krishna’s facial appearance that was familiar to him; Bheema’s well-built physique that gives out the sign of a powerful Kshatriya, and Arjuna too have the appearance of a warrior.  In a moment, Jarasandha got rid of his doubtfulness and enquired about the purpose of their visits and revealed his willingness to give his Prana for a twice-born.  Jarasandha encouraged them to ask for anything and expressed his willingness to offer his head.

Yudhdham No Dehi Rajendra  Dhvandhasho Yadhi Manyase | Yudhdharththino Vayam Praptha Rajanya Na Annakakshina: ||

Bhagavan speaks “Oh! Rajan, we are here for a wrestling/duo fight, we do not need any kind of charity or meals.  He is Vrikodhara/Beema who is powerful among the Pandavas, and the other one is Arjuna who is an eminent archer, and I am Krishna, uncle to these two brothers,  you know me  well,  we have faced each other seventeen times in the battlefield.”  Jarasandha passed the funniest remark on Krishna for his fearful act in the battlefield and laughed loudly, he refused to fight with Krishna who ran out of the battlefield several times.   He discouraged Parththa to have a fight, he haughtily approached Beema and invited for a duo fight with him. In a moment, Beema felt proud of himself, and entered in a fight with Jarasandha, they kept kicking each other and falling on the ground, thus the fierce fight continued between Jarasandha and Bheema, and it lasted for several days.   Bheema had immense confidence in him that he would kill Jarasandha, thus twenty-seven days were passed.  Bheema started realizing his energy is getting drained, revealed his helplessness to Krishna who pacified him and narrated an interesting myth behind Jarasandha’s death.