Monday, March 16, 2020

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -220 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 71

 Akrooroapi Cha Tham Rathrim Madhupuryam Mahamathi: | Ushithva  Rathamasthaya  Prayayau Nandagokulam || Gacchan  Padhi Mahabhago Bhagavathyambujekshane | Bhakthim Paramupagatha Yeva Methath Chinthayath ||

Karma/deeds and the results of Karma is interconnected, it is a never-ending process, as long as the Karma exists the results of Karma follows the soul, with the influence of it, the soul has to take several births.  The supreme Lord is impartial, he is neither considerate nor inconsiderate, and he is void of Karma and the results of Karma.  The Jeeva/ souls are fastened with the Karma and the results of it.  All the scriptures talk about the two sides of life, Sthoola/body & Sookshma/supreme soul, happiness and sorrow, success and failure, goodness and evilness. It predominantly describes the extra-ordinary powers of the Sookshma Shareera, it has immense potential to wedge with the material world, people, matter, richness, fame, etc.  In the same manner, it has the strength to elevate the soul from the pleasant and unpleasant matters as well/ Upanishads proclaims to raise from the Asath/impermanent to Sath/permanent bliss.  The study of spirituality is the learning of Sookshma Shareera/supreme consciousness/ and its commendable potentials, and raise the soul from the Sthoola Shareera/body consciousness/ which undergoes constant transformation and ruin.

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, Akroora who is the chief of the assembly of Kamsa, at the instruction of the Bhojaraja prepared to leave to Mathura.  It was early hours of dawn, Akroora left his journey on his bullock cart to Vrindavan. His mind was completely soaked in the thoughts of Bhagavan who has beautiful eyes resembles lotus flower petals.  He thought, “Oh! Keshava I am the fortunate one I have the opportunity to meet you after fourteen years, even though I am an associate of wicked Kamsa.  Oh! Bhagavan, I have been following the Karma of Shudhra, serving the wicked people of Kamsa, I am contented in my life, and I have got the opportunity to meet you. Oh! Bhagavan, Kamsa gave me an opportunity to bring you to Mathura, therefore I am having the prospect to meet the supreme Lord who has manifested in Gokulam.  Oh! Bhagavan, who is worshiped and eulogized by deities and Rishis, grazing the cows and calves of Vraja, cheering the women and men of cowherds in Vrindavan, Oh! Bhagavan, you have incarnated on the Earth to reduce her burden and bless all your passionate devotees, I consider myself as the most fortunate one to meet that supreme Lord.  Oh! Bhagavan, you have performed various amusements, mere listening to them would remove the sins of the souls and elevate the souls to the state of bliss, whoever stays away from listening to those glorious myths would consider as dead and they would remain a burden on the Earth.  Oh! Bhagavan, you are supreme preceptor, you have incarnated on the Earth to elevate the souls, you appear in Saguna form before your devotees who venerate you, you are supreme soul resides as a soul in living beings, and showering your eternal grace upon them, I am fortunate to have your Dharshan.  Oh! Bhagavan, you have incarnated as a cowherd in Vraja and performed various pastimes before the cowherds and women of cowherds, I shall prostrate before Vraja, and the people of Vraja,  Oh! Bhagavan, even though I am an emissary of Kamsa, I am thoroughly aware of the fact that you have no feeling of resentment against me, Oh! Kshethrajja, you are all-pervading, pure and impartial.  Oh! Bhagavan, I shall take surrender at your lotus feet, it would remove all the impurities of my mind and intellect,  Oh! Bhagavan, I am fortunate to take birth in the Vrishni clan and known to be your relative, you are supreme Lord, the thought of your embrace, addressing me ‘Thatha’ /uncle,  transports me to the state of supreme bliss that would relieve me from all the impurities and worldly bondage.  Oh! Bhagavan, you are the knower of All, I am an emissary of Kamsa to take you to Mathura.”  In this way, Akroora immersed in the various thoughts of Krishna while traveling to Vrindavan,”