Thursday, March 12, 2020

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 210 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 61

Shukha Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, the women of cowherds were stunned to hear from Krishna.  They stood like a stone pillar after listening to the speeches of Krishna.  Their faces filled in utter disappointment, besieged with the cupid arrows and pain of separation from him. They shed tears of extreme agony, the vermilion adorned in their body melted in the tears.  They could not even think of separation from him, tears overflowing stared at Krishna, it choked their voice and began to speak “ Oh! Adhipurusha, do not hurt with your unkind words. Oh! Bhagavan, we have surrendered at your lotus feet, we have no other shelter place, we have abandoned all the worldly matters and took shelter in you and you are asking us to return homes, how could you abandon a Mumukshu?  Oh! Bhagavan, you have given a speech about the righteousness of a married woman, to take care of husband and relatives, we are not against it.  How could you refuse us?  We have already surrendered our mind and intellect to you, therefore this wife should unite with her husband who is supreme Lord.  Oh! Aravindhanethra, we are constantly remembering your lovely appearance in our heart, how could we take pleasure the material life and the family? We want permanent bliss, unlike the one we are getting from the association of family and relatives. Oh! Parameshwara who resides as a soul in living beings, kindly do not separate us from you.  Oh! Bhagavan, when we listened to your melodious music on the flute, we could not move our body because it is already fixed at your lotus feet, our intellect was completely absorbed in the music played.  How could you leave us? Therefore we cannot go back to our homes.  Oh! Bhagavan, kindly relieve our passion-filled hearts with your nectar-like saliva, Oh! Ambujaksha, Goddess Sri residing in your heart taking pleasure in the service of your lotus feet, we have no one other than you.  Oh! Bhagavan, we are eagerly waiting to adorn the dust from your feet. We have rushed to see you after listening to your melodious music, your beautiful appearance, adorned in Makara Kundala, and smile resembles the shine of lotus flower, your hand that gives shelter to your devotees, who could leave you? Kindly do not ask us to leave.  Oh! Bhagavan, we cannot take our mind and hearts from your marvelous form, how could we separate it from you?  It is impossible for us to leave you.  We have already surrendered our hearts and mind to you, kindly bless these Dasi/attendants, with your lotus hands keeping on our bosom and head.”

Shukha Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, after listening to the compassionate words of female of cowherds, Krishna who is Yogeshwareshwara smiled at them, decided to make them happy.  They all accompanied Lord Krishna on the river banks of Yamuna, they immersed in the embrace and taking great pleasure in the company of Krishna.  In this way, Krishna stirred up the emotions in the female of cowherds, in a moment they also felt that Krishna is besieged with the cupid arrows.  They took pride in themselves, witnessing the most passionate sport of Krishna with them.  In a sudden moment, Lord Krishna disappeared from their sight to bless them, to elevate their souls from the amorous sport and remove their pride.”