Tuesday, March 17, 2020

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -224 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 75

Akroora Sthuthi

Nama: Karana Mathsyaya Pralayabdhi Charaya Cha | Hayasheershne Namasthubhyam Madhukaitabha Mrithyave || Akooparaya Bhrihathe Namo Mandharadharine | Kshithyudhdhara Viharaya  Nama: Sookaramoorthaye || Namasthe Adhbhutha Simhaya  Sadhuloka Bhayapaha | Vamanaya Namasthubhyam Krantha Thribhuvanaya Cha|| Namo Bhrigunam  Pathaye Dhripthakshathravanacchidhe | Namasthe  Raghuvaryaya Ravananthakaya Cha || Namasthe Vasudevaya Nama: Sankarshanaya Cha | Pradhyumnaya Anirudhdhaya  Saththvatham Pathaye Nama: || Namo Budhdhaya Shudhdhaya Dhaithya Dhanava Mohine |Mlecchaprayakshathra Hanthre Namasthe  Kalikiroopine ||

Akroora eulogizes supreme Lord Krishna “ I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who incarnated as giant Fish and protected the Universe from the Pralaya, I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who incarnated as horse-faced /Haya and killed Madhu and Kaitabha.  I shall prostrate before supreme Lord who incarnated as giant tortoise and elevated Mount Mandhara on its back.  I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who has incarnated as Sukara/wild boar, and elevated Goddess Earth from the bottom of the ocean.  I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who has manifested as half-lion and half-man/Narasimha and protected his ardent devotees from extreme fears and worries.  I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who has incarnated as Vamana/dwarf and measured the whole Universe in three strides.  I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who has incarnated as Bhargava Rama and destroyed the pride of wicked Kshatriyas. I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who has incarnated as Rama in the illustrious clan of Raghu and destroyed the demon Ravana.  I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vasudeva who assumed the form of Sankarshana/Balaram, Pradhyumna and Aniruddha.  I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu who incarnated as Buddha who persuaded Dhaithyas and Dhanavas as well.  I shall prostrate before supreme Lord Vishnu whose impending incarnation as Kalki at the end of the Kali era.  In this way, you are assuming various forms with the influence of Maya, Oh! Bhagavan, who is soaked in the worldly matters, bondage and ‘I’ conscious/body-conscious, remains in utter desolation and grief, an ignorant never realize the supreme consciousness in him/her, they accumulate immense desires, perform deeds to fulfill their desires, the fruitful results causes happiness and the failure causes grief in them.   In this way, they get strangled in grief and sorrows without putting effort to elevate their souls.  It is like a hungry person who did not realize the presence of water close to him, as it was covered with green/algae, he runs behind the illusion of water on the sand bed created by the blazing sun. An intellectual is aware of the fact that happiness and sorrows are like day and night, it is the law of life and will have immense potential to face the happiness and sorrows with a calm mind.  Oh! Lord, I am fortunate one to attain your grace, and ignorant cannot fix their mind and intellect at your lotus feet, Oh! Esha, it is impossible to attain devotion without your grace.  The intellectuals contemplate and meditate upon the Supreme Lord, after experiencing several miseries and troubles in their lives,  consider all those hardships as the grace of Lord and assume those troubles as stepping stone to elevate their souls from miseries, grief, fear, and anxieties, eventually they reroute their mind and intellect listening and reciting your glorious myths. Oh! Vijjyanamathra, who is the cause and effect, Oh! Purushesha who is absolute Bhramam, Oh! Ananthashakthaye, Oh! Vasudeva, Oh! Sarvabhoothakshaya, Oh! Hrishikesh, I shall repeatedly prostrate before you, I shall take shelter at your lotus feet, kindly protect us.”

Namo Vijjyanamathraya  Sarva Prathyaya Hethave | Purushesha Pradhanaya  Bhramane Ananthashakthaye || Namasthe  Vasudevaya  Sarva Bhoothakshayaya Cha| Hrishikesha Namasthubhyam Prapannam Pahimam Prabho||