Wednesday, April 22, 2020

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 20– The legend of Lord Krishna -  2o – Introduction to Srimad Bhagavath Mahapuran

Idham Bhagavatham Nama Puranam Bhramasammitham | Uththama Shlokacharitham Chakara Bhagavan Rishi: || Sarva Veda Ithihasanam Saram Saram Samrudhdhritham| Sa Thu Samshravayamasa Maharajam  Pareekshitham ||

Sutha Pauranika describes the numerous incarnations of the supreme Lord and the creation of the Universe and its living beings.  The lotus born Lord Bhrama originated from the navel of supreme Lord Narayana.  All the forms are developed from Agni, therefore Agni is worshiped as supreme deity/friction causes sound and appearances, and it is an essential element for the creation, preservation, and destruction as well.  Rig Veda begins with eulogizing the immense power of ‘Agni’, all the spiritual rites begin from the veneration of ‘Agni’.  There are four types of creation began, creatures born from the physical relationship/womb, creatures born from the egg, creatures developed out of seeds, and creatures developed from perspiration/fungus and bacteria.  The creation, preservation, and destruction of living beings on the Earth is the collective effort of Agni, and Water,  mind and intellect/thoughts which is the source of the supreme soul.

The supreme Lord Adi Narayana depicted as reclining on the bed of thousand hooded serpent Ananantha on the milky ocean, the lotus born Bhrama on the navel of Lord Adi Narayana.  The serpent Anantha symbolizes the ‘Agni’, the milky ocean represents ‘Water’, which is essential for the creation as well as the existence of human lives on Earth.  The stem of lotus represents ‘Prana’/vital air, and the lotus flower represents ‘mind and intellect’, the Prana and mind are closely related to each other, hence the practice of Pranayama controls the thoughts.  Lord Bhrama with four faces represents four functions of the mind, intellect, Chith, and Ahamkara/sookshma Shreera.

Sutha Pauranika speaks “ Oh! Shaunakadhis, I shall narrate the creation of Lord Bhrama, and the incarnation of supreme Lord in order,  Lord Bhrama  began his creation 1) Sanaka, Sanantha, Sananthkumara, and Sanathana who represents  the supreme knowledge of Bhramam 2) Yajjesha as Varaha, 3)Maharishi Narada, 4)Nara and Narayana Rishi 5) Kapilavasudeva 6) Dhaththathreya/son of Maharishi Athri and Anasuya, 7) Yajjaroopa/son of Devi Ahuthi and Rishi Ruchi, 8) Rishabhadeva/son of Devi Meru & Nabhi, 9) Prithu Maharaj 10) Matsya 11) Kurma 12) Dhanvanthari 13) Mohini 14) Narasimha 15) Vamana 16) Bhargava Rama 17) Vedavyasa/son of Sathyavathi and Parashara 18) Rama 19) Balarama 20) Krishna 21) Buddha 22) and the impending incarnation as Kalki.”