Wednesday, March 18, 2020

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -234 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 85

Yevam Nisha Sa Bhruvathor Vyatheetha Nandasya Krishnanucharasya Rajan | Gopya: Samuththaya  Niroopya Dheepanvasthoon Samabhyarchya  Dhadhinyamandhan || Tha Deepa Deepthair  Manibhirvirejurajjur Vikarshadh Bhuja Kankanasraja: | Chalan Nithambha Sthanaharakundalathvishath Kapolaruna Kumkumanana: ||

The female cowherds wake up early hours of dawn, lighten the earthen lamp, keep themselves busy in milking cows, churning the curd singing in praise of various pastimes of Krishna, followed with the rhythmic movements of their body, producing jingling noises of bangles adorned on their hands and chest, their cheeks were red resembles vermilion, in this way they continue to work all day singing in praise of Lord.  Suddenly they became anxious to know whether Akroora has come back, they peeped out of their homes and found Udhdhava in the attire of Krishna, in a moment they thought it is Krishna, later understood it was not Krishna, he must be a messenger of Krishna, and soon they assembled before Udhdhava.

Janeemastham Yadhupathe: Parshadham Samupagatham | Bharthreha  Preshitha: Pithrorbhavan Priyachikeershaya || Anyadha Govraje Thasya  Samaraneeyam Na Chakshmahe | Snehanubandho Bandhoonam Munerapi Sudhusthyaja: || Anveshyarththakritha Maithri Yavadhardha Vidambanam| Pumbi: Sthrishu Kritha Yadhvathsumana:sviva Shatpadhai: || Ni: Swam Thyajanthi Ganika Akalpam Nripathim Praja: | Adheethavidhya Acharyam Rithvijo Dhaththadhakshinam ||

The female cowherds speak “ Oh! Mahabhaga, you must be the messenger of  Krishna, you must have sent to comfort his parents and relatives, even the saintly men find it difficult to abandon their parents.  We understand,  other than his parents,  he has no one to remember, we are not related to him anyway.   Govinda has abandoned us like a honey bee, that refuses to be seated on the flower once it has consumed honey from it, prostitute abandoned by her master, King abandon unskilled people, disciple discard the preceptor after receiving knowledge from him, birds abandon the trees without fruits, a guest who leaves the home lacks hospitality, a completely burned forest abandoned by the animals.”  They shed tears of extreme agony, at that moment a honey bee appeared from nowhere and seated at the feet of a female cowherd, she felt the touch of Krishna who has the same complexion of it, surprisingly Udhdhava appeared before them also had the complexion of dark clouds, and she began to speak/BHRAMARA GEETHAM.

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -233 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 84

Yuvam Shlakhyathamau Noonam  Dehinammiha Manadha | Narayane Akhilagurau Yathkritha Mathiridhrishi || Thamaha Bhagavan Preshtam Bhaktham Yekanthinam Kvachith | Grihithva  Panina Panim Prapannarththiharo Hari: ||

Shuka Bhramam speaks “Thus Nandababa continued his speech, his voices were breaking in between due to intense grief, putting a pause between the conversations, and with tears overflowing he kept talking about Krishna in the whole night. Devi Yasodha, stood silently watching at them shedding tears of the unbearable pain of separation from her beloved son, she has no idea where to begin, her voices were not supporting to utter a word, she was searching for words and remained silent.  Udhdhava made Devi Yasodha seated next to him, he took the hands of Nanadababa and taught them the highest of the philosophy of Krishna."

Ithi Samsmrithya  Samsmrithya Nanda: Krishnanurakthadhi: | Athyuth Kandoabhavaththooshnim Prema Prasara Vihvala: || Yasodha Varnnyamanani Puthrasya Charithani Cha |  Shrunvanthya Shrunyavasrakshi Snehasnuthapayodhara||

Udhdhava speaks “Oh! Mahabhaga, you both are the fortunate ones to attain the supreme Lord Narayana, who is Akhilaguru as your child.  You were blessed to live fourteen years with the Supreme Lord as your child.  You have got the great opportunity to serve and take care of that Bhramam as parents and you have achieved all those love and affection from him, even Devi Devaki and Vasudeva did not attain that fortune.  He is supreme Lord who is the Universe and its living beings/who is the source of origin of mind and intellect, he is Purusha/supreme soul, Rama represents mind and intellect, they are primordial.  The Jeeva who leaves the mortal coil contemplating upon the supreme Lord would attain Paramamgathi.  Therefore you should elevate your soul contemplating upon Krishna as supreme Lord, not as your child. All these years, you have considered the supreme Lord Narayana as your child, he is Akhilathmahethu/who resides as a soul in living beings, the supreme Lord has incarnated on the Earth to elevate us, therefore you have to understand that greatest truth.  Oh! Mahabhaga,   Krishna will make a visit soon, do not feel sad, or get dejected, now onwards learn to keep yourself close to Krishna who resides as a soul in you.  He resides as supreme brilliance/supreme soul in all the living beings, like fire/supreme soul vested in the wood/body.  He has no one favorable or unfavorable, he has no differentiation between good or bad, higher or lower, equal or unequal, and he has no imaginative relationships such as mother, father, mother or children.  He has incarnated on the Earth to perform various passionate sports and thereby elevate the souls.  All those imaginary relationships have impermanent nature, the supreme soul resides as the soul has neither birth nor death.  Therefore, do not consider Krishna as your son, he is supreme Lord resides as a soul in living beings, as Pitha, Matha, Sutha, and Eshwara.  He represents the living, and non-living things, he has all-pervading nature therefore he is Paramathma/Achyutha, without him nothing could exist in this Universe.” In this way, Udhdhava successfully removed the grief and sorrows of Devi Yasodha and Nandababa.

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -232 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 83

Vrishninam Pravaro Manthri Krishnasya Dhayitha: Sakha | Shishyo Bhrihaspathe: Sakshath Udhdhavo Budhdhisaththama: || Gaccha Uddhava  Vrajam Saumya Pithronau Preethimavaha | Gopinam Mathviyogadhim Mathsandheshair Vimochaya || Tha Manmanaska Mathprana Madharththe Thyakthadhaihika: | Mameva Dhayitham Preshtamathmanam Manasa Gatha: | Ye Thyaktha Lokadharmarshcha  Madharththe Than Bhibharyamaham ||

Udhdhava was pious and devoted lived a simple life in Mathura, once the Yadhava’s came into the scene after the death of Kamsa, King Ugrasena was crowned as the King of Mathura, and Udhdhava has become a member in the assembly of Yadhus/Vrishni.  Udhdhava has intense faith upon the supreme Lord Krishna, he considered Krishna as his companion as well as preceptor and guide.  He was too devoted to Krishna, it has become a practice for him to wear the clothes worn by Krishna, consume the leftover meals of Krishna, he was too adamant to use all that was used by Krishna.  He was widely known as the disciple of preceptor of deities, he was too intelligent from childhood, and Rishi Bhrihaspathi enchanted at his skill accepted him as his disciple.  Udhdhava was one of the sincere and dedicated companions of Krishna.

One day, Krishna took Udhdhava into a lonely area, and took hold of his hands, speaks to Udhdhava “ Oh! Budhdhisaththama, I need your service, you have to go to Vraja, you have to meet my foster parents Devi Yasodha and Nandababa and make them happy. You have to meet the female cowherds of Vraja who are in extreme grief of separation from me, they have abandoned all their relationships and worldly matters for me, they are living for me and they are vested their mind and intellect upon me, they have completely surrendered to me, I cannot leave them, therefore kindly pass my messages to them and remove their agony.”  Thus Krishna gave two written messages in the hands of Udhdhava, one for his parents and another one for the Young female of cowherds.

Udhdhava left the city of Mathura and reached Vrindavan in the evening.  The sacred land Vraja was full of sounds of chirping of birds returning to their nests, cows were returning to the village after grazing, the entire village was filled with the dust from the hooves of cows, followed by the children of cowherds with a stick and flute, even though he could sense the pain of separation in the village.  He entered the palace of Nandababa, was mistaken as Krishna, seeing the yellow silk garment and dark complexion of Udhdhava, but there were no feathers of peacock or turban on the head.  Soon, they understood it is not Krishna; they received Udhdha with great respect.  Nandagopa who was already shrunken at the pain of separation of beloved Krishna gained his normal self and enquired about the welfare of Vasudeva.   Nandababa speaks “ Oh! Mahabhaga, It is good that Kamsa was killed and peace was reinstated in the city of Mathura, how is Vasudeva? Does Krishna remember us all? Does he remember his mother, cows, cowherds, women of cowherds? Does he remember the river Kalindi and Mount Govardhana? Will he visit Vraja? I would love to see that beautiful face full of smile and that beautiful nose, will Govinda make a visit to see his relatives in Vraja? We cannot control the pain of separation from Krishna.  He has protected us from the whirlwind, venomous serpent and colossal fire like numerous calamities, his senses of humor, smile, and little talks made us forget our sorrows for the past fourteen years. One thing I have thoroughly understood after the death of Kamsa, I have realized Krishna cannot be our son, he is supreme Lord, I remember all those predicted by Gargacharya.  Krishna’s valorous deeds, destroying Kamsa, Mushtika, Chanoora, and breaking the powerful bow and arrow of Lord Shiva, were not an ordinary act, still, I cannot consider him as supreme Lord, he has lived with us like our son, we cannot bear the separation from him.”

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -231 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 82

Adho Gurukule Vasamicchanthavupajagmathu: | Kashyam Sandheepanim Nama  Hyavanthipuravasinam || Thayor Dhvijavarsthushta: Shudhdhabhavanu Vriththibhi: | Provacha Vedanakhilan Sanghopanishadho Guru: || Saharasyam Dhanurvedham Dharman Nyayapadhamsthadha | Thadha Chanvikshikim Vidhyam Rajaneethim Cha Shadvidham ||

Krishna and Balaram started living with their parents in Mathura.  All the religious rites of the children were performed, and the children were sent to the hermitage of Maharishi Sandeepani at Avanthipura for learning Astra and Shastra.  The children learned good discipline, Veda, Upanishads, Dhanurvedham, Dharmam, Nyaya, Rajaneethi, etc.   Thus, Krishna learned 64 artforms in sixty-four days, at the time of leaving the hermitage of Maharishi Sandheepani, Krishna stood before Maharishi Sandheepini with folded hands.  Maharishi Sandheepani looked at the eyes of the Jagadheeshwara, remembered Krishna is the supreme Lord who could bring back his dead son alive and asked for the child as Gurudhakshina.  Krishna went to the shores of Prabhasa where the child has gone missing while taking a holy dip in the river.  Krishna entered the water, was received with great reverence by Lord Varuna, who suspected that the child was gone missing due to the influence of a demon Panchajana who has the appearance of conch.  Krishna tore off the body of the demon and found the child was not there.  Soon, he understood that the child is under the custody of Lord Yama.  Krishna went to the abode of Lord Yama was received with great honor, Krishna returned to Earth with the child of Maharishi Sandheepani, eventually the child was handed to Maharishi Sandeepani.  Before leaving Krishna asked Maharishi what else he should do for him.  Maharishi Sandheepani was delighted and blessed Krishna, placing his hands on his head “Let all that knowledge learned to remain fresh in your memory always”.  Thus both of the children received the blessings of Maharishi Sandheepani and returned to their homes.

In this legend, the illustrious Maharishi Sandheepani asked for his dead son alive as Guru Dhakshina from Krishna.  Once again, Maharishi Vedavyasa affirms the truth that the body undergoes ruin, the supreme soul has neither death nor birth, a Jeeva takes several births due to its unsatisfied desires and lust, even though human bodies undergo the state of childhood, adult, youth, old age due to the passage of ‘Time’,  the mind and intellect remains the same in it.   A Jeeva attains union with the supreme soul with the constant practice meditation and contemplation; eventually attain the state of Moksha/Moha Kshaya Ithi Moksha, otherwise it has to take several births until its merges with the Supreme Lord,  Like, a river  has to continue its journey until it merges with the ocean.

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -230 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 81

Matharam Pithram Vridhdham Bharyam Sadhvim Sutham Shishum | Gurum Vipram Prapannam Cha Kalpoabibhracchvasan Mritha: || Veekshantho Aharaha: Preetha Mukundhavadhanambhujam | Nithyam Pramudhitham Srimadh Sadhaya Smithaveekshanam || Thathra  Pravayasoapyasan Yuvanoathi Balaujasa: | Pibantho Akshair Mukundhasya Mukhambhuja Sudham Muhu: || Sa Pitha  Sa Cha Janani Yau  Pushneetham Swaputhravath | Shishoon Bandhubir Ruthsrishtana Kalpai: Posharakshane: ||

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan,  Devi Devaki, and Vasudeva looked at the children with great admiration, Krishna and Balarama looked them affectionately, desired to be seated on their lap. Krishna speaks “Oh! Mother, Oh! Father, all these years we have lost the fortune to address you, we have to stay away from your lap, you have lost your six children, you have stayed away from us.  You have done so much for us and sacrificed all the happiness by keeping us safe in Gokulam, we did not get an opportunity to serve you.  Oh! Mother, Oh! Father, if we did not serve you both, hence we cannot get relieved from the debt we have born with; you have given us this body and took great care of us.  Oh! Mother, Oh! Father, kindly forgive us for not serving you and we could not protect you from the atrocities of Kamsa in all these years. Whoever disrespects Matha, Pitha, Guru, elderly people, wife, virtuous women, children, son, and Vipra are considered as mortal coils.”  Thus, Krishna and Balarama prostrated before Devi Devaki and Vasudeva who shed tears of joy, in a moment they forgot the divinity of their children, Devi Devaki took both the children on her lap and kissed them. Further, Krishna released Maharaja Ugrasena from the prison, and crowned him as the King of Mathura, he remembered the curse of King Yayathi, Yadhus cannot be crowned as Kinga, he promised Maharaja Ugrasena about his willingness to offer all the services.”

Finally, Nandababa came to know about the truth that Krishna and Balaram are sons of Devi Devaki and Vasudeva.   All these years they were assumed that Krishna is Devi Yasodha’s son, and Balaram is the son of Devi Rohini was not real.  Nandababa stood with tears overflowing on his cheeks, Krishna looked at him affectionately, Nandababa was speechless, and he was completely wretched at the thought of how to approach Devi Yasodha with this truth.  Krishna moved closer to Nandababa took hold of his hands and consoled him saying that they are too his parents, make him understood that all that happened because of the terror created by the Kamsa, he assured Nandababa that they will make visits to Vraja.  Nandababa could not control his tears, could not imagine the separation from his beloved child, he was besieged with extreme sorrow at the thought of how to approach  Devi Yasodha, the people of Vraja, female of cowherds and young maiden of cowherds without Krishna.  He was in a state of extreme shock at the thought of how to pacify Devi Yasodha and female cowherds.  Nanababa was quite sure that Devi Yasodha cannot bear the separation from her beloved son, he stood like a rock without the knowledge of how to console her, he was completely heartbroken returned to Vraja.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -229 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 80

Yevam Vikaththamane Vai Kamse Prakupitho Avyaya: | Langhinothpathya Tharasa Manjjam Uththungamaruhath || Thamavishanthamalokhya Mrithyumathmana Asanath | Manasi Sahasoththaya Jagrihe Soasicharmani ||

Kamsa encountered the shadow of his death before him, which was chasing him all these fourteen years, creating extreme terror in him.  He saw the most beautiful form of Krishna before him; he took hold of his powerful sword.  Krishna leaped over his huge chest, kicking his crown off from the head; Kamsa lost balance and fell down.  He seated on the chest of Kamsa and gave a hard punch, thus Kamsa was killed.  The King’s men rushed to Krishna were miserably failed and flee to various directions.  The deities showered flowers on Krishna, the celestial Apsaras and Gandharvas performed dances and music in extreme joy, Maharishis and Bhagavathas eulogized the valor of Krishna.  Soon Kamsa’s wives and children took a seat around his lifeless body, and wept bitterly “ Oh! Natha, you have performed all the wicked deeds on your subjects, at the end you have received the fruit of your treacherous Karma, no one could save you from your deeds, and finally, this city of Mathura has lost its ruler.”  In a moment, they looked at Krishna who was proceeding towards the prison.

Matharam Pitharam Chaiva  Mochayithvadha Bandhanath | Krishna Ramau Vavandhathe Shirasasprishya Padhayo: || Devaki Vasudevashcha Vijjaya Jagadheeshwarau | Krithasamvandhanau Puthrau Saswajathe Na Shankithau ||

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, Krishna, and Balaram moved to prison, and they met Devi Devaki and Vasudeva in the prison greeted them with the folded hands.  Devi Devaki and Vasudeva could not believe them as their children, they witnessed Jagadheeshwara in place of the children."

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -228 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 79

Mallanam Ashanir Nrinam Naravara: Sthreenam Smaro Moorthiman Gopanam Swajanoasatham  Kshithibhujam Shastha  Swapithro: Shishu: | Mrithyur Bhojapather Virada Vidhusham Thaththvam  Param Yoginam  Vrishneenam Paradhevathethi Vidhitho Rangam Gatha: Sagraja: ||

The wrestlers Mushtika and Chanoora felt the two handsome youth as powerful lightning before them, the kings assembled were assumed the two youth as great leaders, the beautiful women of Mathura assumed the two youth as most charming and eligible lovers, the children of cowherds of Vraja felt the youths as their own beloved people, the wicked Kings assumed the two powerful youths as their enemies, lovely parents assembled in the gallery assumed the two youths as children with their toys, Kamsa felt his death is nearing to him, the ordinary people were felt it was an awesome fight, the illustrious Yogis felt the two youths as absolute truth and highest philosophy incarnated on the Earth, and the Vrishnis felt the youths as the protector of their clan.

The huge crowds of the audience were cheering the children whose face was covered in bruises, Rama and Krishna moved towards the wrestlers Mushtika and Chanoora.  They addressed the children “Hey, Nandasoonu,  Hey Rama, it is clear that you are not an ordinary cowherd, you have immense prowess and you have proved it by killing the untamed elephant Kuvalayapeedam.  Therefore it was an order from the King Kamsa to join us in the wrestling ground. Oh! Rama and Krishna, We have heard of your valor.  Hey Nandasoonu, we have heard of your various valorous deeds performed in Vrindavan.  Be ready and meet us in the wrestling ground.” Krishna spoke “ Oh! Wrestlers, it is unfair to wrestle with the children like us, you should have opted for people with huge body and strength of yours.”  Chanoora said “There is no child or youth, the power is all that matters, you both have well-proven your prowess by killing that elephant.  Even though you are youthful in appearances, but your prowess is commendable.  You both are not ordinary children; you have killed that untamed elephant effortlessly. Therefore be prepared to meet us in the wrestling ground.” Thus Krishna entered wrestling with Chanoora and Balarama with Mushtika, as the wrestling was progressed the two efficient men exhibited all their strength upon the two children.  The people from the audience showered abuses upon Kamsa for his injustice towards the children. They sharply criticized his act as unjustifiable, not suitable for a King; they called it a depraved act of Kamsa.  As the wrestling was progressed, Chanoora gave a hard kick on the chest of Krishna who was waiting for his turn to put an end to Chanoora.   Krishna kicked hard on his head and killed him instantly, and Balarama killed Mushtika.  The crowd of the audience cheered the children, Kamsa stood up from his seat in extreme terror.  He was shocked to see his powerful men killed in the hands of two youths.  Kamsa called out for his men to get caught of the children of Vasudeva and Nandagopa, he ordered his men to kill the children, but no one dared to move further or to follow his orders.