Thursday, March 19, 2020

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -241 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 92

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, Akroora pacified Devi Kunthi and decided to meet Dhritarashtra who is blind by birth.  Akroora speaks “  Oh! Vaichithra Veerya, you have crowned as the King of Hastinapura after the death of your brother Pandu, Are you are ruling the country righteously? Are you providing justice to everyone especially to the sons of Pandu, who have lost the guidance and affection of their father? hope you are considerate to them.  Otherwise, if you are showing injustice to Pandavas, and favoring your children, that would push you to extreme grief and agony, and you will come to know when your children discard you from their lives; at that moment you will understand the mistakes you have done in your life.  Hope you understand the righteousness and ruling your country.  If you exhibit your weakness and gain something, later it will haunt you.  Oh! Rajan, you have prowess, intelligence, wealth and status, if you perform any immoral deed while ruling the Hasthinapur, later it will trouble your entire clan with extreme grief, agony and sorrow, which could heave you all into hell.  The instant gain and achievements could bring temporary happiness, but it could not save you all.”

Dhritarashtra speaks “Oh! Intelligent one, I am unfortunate, my heart is not willing to accept any of your words, I am already soaked in the affection towards my children, your words sound like lightning, not reaching into my heart, diffusing in seconds.  Who knows the plan of Parameshwara? One thing is clear, as long Krishna with Pandavas, they will have all the victory and the auspiciousness.  The supreme Lord is not easily understandable, I shall prostrate before him, and unfortunately, I am not able to contemplate upon him.” Akroora returned to Mathura.

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -240 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 91

Thvam No Guru:  Pithrivyashcha  Shlakhyo Bandhushcha  Nithyadha | Vayam Thu Rakshya: Poshyashcha  Anukambya: Praja Hi Va : || Na Hyammayani Theerthani Na Deva  Mricchilamaya: | They Punathyurkalena Dharshana Deva Sadhava: ||

Bhagavan speaks “ Oh! Thatha,  Oh! Mahabhaga, you are like our father, our preceptor, uncle, and a relative.  You should consider us as your people and always shower your kindness and protection. The association with pious people like you itself is a great blessing to us.  The visit to sacred places or shrines or worship of idols, cannot elevate a soul at once, they may gradually elevate their souls through these process, I shall suggest you the association with the ascetic, and saintly people will raise the soul at ease.  Oh! Thatha, you have to visit Pandavas, who are going through hardships after the death of King Pandu, the children are taking care of by Devi Kunthi, therefore you have to visit them immediately and remove their grief.  We are their relatives, we have to stand with them during the troubled times, therefore kindly leave to Hasthinapur.”

Akroora visits Hasthinapur, met Bhishma Pithamaha and Dritharashtra, Devi Kunthi and her sons, Vidhura, Bharadhvaja, Gauthama, Karna, Suyodhana, Drona, and various members of the assembly and families of Kurus.  Akroora stayed in Hasthinapur for some time to learn the situations in the palace, found that the Kurus are not leaving a single opportunity to humiliate the Pandavas, who are virtuous, disciplined, intelligent with great prowess, were going through harsh times in the Palace.  One day Devi Kunthi met Akroora and narrated all that troubles of her children going through in the palace,  Devi Kunthi said “ Oh! Akroora, how is Krishna, Vasudeva, and Devi Devaki? They are not aware of my pathetic situation in the Hasthinapur  I believe, I have great faith upon Krishna, he will not leave me or my children, I am confident that only Krishna could remove all my miseries and sorrows,” Thus Devi Kunthi prayed to Krishna “ Oh! Krishna, Oh! Mahayogi, Oh! Vishwathma, Oh! Vishwabhavana, Oh! Govinda, I shall surrender at your lotus feet, kindly protect us. Oh! Krishna, you are absolute Bhramam, Oh! Paramathma, you are pure, oh! Yogeshwareshwara we shall take refuge at your lotus feet.”

Krishna Krishna Mahayogin Vishwathman Vishwabhavana | Prapannam Pahi Govinda Shishubhichavaseedhathim || Nama: Krishnaya  Shudhdhaya  Bhramane Paramathmane| Yogeshwaraeshwaraya Yogaya Thamaham Sharanam Gatha ||

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -239 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 90

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, once Krishna, along with Rama and Udhdhava went to the house of Akroora was received with great honor, washed their feet, prostrated before them.  Akroora who was well known the divinity of the children, addressed them with great respect, “ Oh! Krishna, Oh! Rama you both are divine personified on the Earth, you represent the Universe and it living beings, you have all-pervading nature, I have experienced that.  Oh! Bhagavan, you are the creator, preserver and causes to merge all that created in you at the time of the deluge.  You are unblemished, you are void of changes, Guna, and Karma, you symbolize supreme wisdom, the darkness of ignorance cannot withstand in the presence of supreme brilliance.  Oh! Bhagavan, an ignorant soaked in worldly matters, swollen with ego and pride, remains in utter grief, without the knowledge of the presence of supreme soul in him/her.  You are independent, you incarnate on Earth with the influence of Maya to elevate the souls, you are flawless, and you are free from worldly matters and bondage.  Whoever takes complete surrender at your lotus feet, would get fulfilled all their desires and elevate their soul to the state of bliss, it is the promise of the supreme Lord to his ardent devotees/companion who sung in praise of him, and contemplating upon him as companion or devotee with intense faith. Oh! Janardhana/who removes the darkness of ignorance, kindly bless me  and remove my worldly desires and bondage, kindly destroy my desire towards body, wife, children, wealth, and possessions, Oh! Yogeshwara Oh! Suresha, kindly shower your grace upon me. ”

 Ka: Pandithasthvadhaparam Sharanam Sameeyath  Bhakthapriya Dhrithagira: Suhridha: Krithajjath | Sarvan Dhadhathi Suhridho Bhajatho Abikaman Athmanamapyupachayapachayau Na Yasya || Dhishtya Janardhana Bhavan Iha Na: Preethitho Yogeshwarairapi  Durapagathi: Sureshai: | Chindhyashu Na; Sutha Kalathra Dhanaptha  Geha Dehadhi Moharashanam Bhavadheeya Mayam ||

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -238 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 89

Adha  Vijjaya Bhagavan Sarvathma Sarvadharshana: | Sairandhrya:Kamathapthaya: Priyamicchan Griham Yayau||

The Supreme Lord Krishna symbolizes ‘Love’, there are two types of love, one is conditional love with a selfish motive which is short living nature, creates dependency and grief.  Unconditional love is the superior one, love everyone without any expectation, it elevates the souls to become independent, and it is possible only with positive thinking.  Udhdhava’s visit to Vraja made the people of Vraja Devi Yasodha and Nandababa who were already dejected at the separation from Krishna, to elevate their souls with his brilliant advice, attained nearness to supreme Lord who resides as a soul in them.  In this way most amazingly Udhdhava saved them from extreme grief of separation from Krishna and Balaram.  Udhdhava taught them the highest of the truth that Lord Krishna is not only in Mathura, he resides as a soul in the living beings and explained his all-pervading nature to them.

Shuka Bhramam speaks “Oh! Rajan,  Bhagavan Krishna who resides as a soul in living beings, and witnessing all that happening, decided to make a visit to the house of Sairandhri/Kubja, as she was earnestly looking for the visit of him.  Sairandhri was waiting for a long period of time, keeping her house spotless and decorated; as soon as Krishna arrived she washed his feet and received him with great respect.  She offered him a comfortable seat; she massaged his feet and hands, she offered various highly fragrant scents to him, she embraced him.  She placed his legs on her bosom; he patted her chest, Alas! With single his touch and affectionate words, she got fulfilled all her desires and recovered from lustful desires. Whoever worships Lord to fulfill all their material well-beings, fixing their mind and intellect on the impermanent nature of material comforts remains unwise, the intellectuals completely surrender their mind and intellect to Vishnu who resides as a soul in living beings with no fruitful desires.

Dhurarardhyam Samaradhya Vishnum Sarveshwareshwara| Yo Vrineethe  Manograhyamsaththvath Kumaneeshyasau ||

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -237 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 88

Vandhe  Nanda Vrajasthreenam Padharenum Ambheekshnasha: | Yasam Harikathothgeetham Punathi Bhuvanathrayam ||

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, Udhdhava was astounded watching the intense devotion and faith upon supreme Lord, his admiration towards them grown beyond words, the cowherds lived in the woods of Vraja attained intense devotion with their constant remembrance of  Lord Krishna.  They have enriched with the knowledge of the ultimate truth, the all-pervading nature of supreme Lord who resides as a soul in living beings.  Udhdhava felt that even though he was born in the illustrious clan of Bhramin he could not achieve that highest state of spirituality, intense devotion, and faith upon the supreme Lord, as the cowherds of Vraja, he felt himself inferior to the women of cowherds who abandoned the worldly matters and bondages for supreme Lord and surrendered at his lotus feet.  Those women lived in the woods of Vraja, they have abandoned their homes and families to remain closer to Krishna.  Their mind and intellect are wedged in the Paramathma.  Udhdhava felt even though he had attained knowledge in scriptures, Veda and born in the clan of twice-born, he could not elevate his soul to the supreme Lord, as the cowherds of Vraja.  He looked at the dust on the feet of cowherds, sands of Vraja, and sincerely prayed to supreme Lord “Oh! Lord, if I have to take birth again, I would love to be born in the Vraja which is auspicious with the dust at the feet of the cowherds. Oh! Bhagavan, If I could not take birth as a human, I would love to take birth as the grass on the sands of Vraja graced with the footprints and dust from the feet of cowherds who are freed from the extremely difficult chain of worldly bondages at ease and surrendered to Mukunda.  The intellectuals master the knowledge of Shruthi and Upanishads that recommends the highest of the truth.  These females of cowherds have fulfilled all the desires contemplating upon Yogeshwara, and performed passionate sport /Maharasa with him, kept his lotus feet on their bosom, in this way they have freed from all the lust and desires. If I did not adorn those specks of dust from the feet of the cowherds on my head, I will not have any fortune.  Hence, I shall prostrate before the virtuous maiden of cowherds of Vraja, whose heart filled in the music praising the splendor of supreme Lord Hari which is capable to purify the three worlds.”

Vandhe  Nanda Vrajasthreenam Padharenum Ambheekshnasha: | Yasam Harikathothgeetham Punathi Bhuvanathrayam ||

Shuka Bhramam “ Oh! Rajan, The mind which is soaked in love for Krishna, or his myths will not get affected by the constant miseries and sorrows of worldly existence, it is a great fortune to be fall in love with Krishna and his glorious myths,  Udhdhava could clearly understand that fact from the female of cowherds of Vraja, he praised Vraja and the cowherds of Vraja and returned to Mathura. Udhdhava narrated all those happened in Vraja to Krishna and Rama.”

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -236 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 87

Aho Yooyam Sma Poornadha Bhavathyo Lokapoojitha: | Vasudeve Bhagavathi Yasamithyarpitham Mana: ||Dhana Vratha Thapo Homa Japa  Swadhyaya Samyamai: | Shreyobhir Vividhaishchanyai: Krishne  Bhakthirhi Sadhyathe ||

Udhdhava wondered after listening to the speeches of the female of cowherds with full of zealous, he has become silent, watching the devotion of the females of cowherds.  He bowed before them with his palms joined, and began to speak “ Oh! Fortunate ones, you are most venerable, you have completely surrendered your mind and intellect to Vasudeva/Bhagavathi.  People are performing charities, undertaking extreme penances, performing fire sacrifices, austerities, and vows, in order to attain firm devotion at the lotus feet of Krishna.  You have not undertaken any of the above austerities, you have surrendered your mind and intellect to him, sung in praise of him, which is difficult to attain even for the illustrious Rishis and Sages.  You have realized the fact that the worldly matters, relationships/husband, children, mother, father, etc. are impermanent; you have realized the truth that you have to contemplate upon Krishna who is Purusha resides as soul and completely surrendered to him.  Even though you have separated from Krishna, you have devoted your mind and intellect to him; I am blessed to be in the association of the true devotees of the supreme Lord.  Even if I have lived him, I could not achieve that intense devotion and faith upon him, Oh! Ladies, you are the extremely fortunate one, I have a message from Krishna for you all.”

Mayya Veshya Mana; Krithsnam Vimukthasheshavriththi Yath | Anusmaranthyo Mam Nithyam Achiran Mamupaishyadha||

Bhagavan speaks “Oh! Virtuous women, listen to me carefully, you cannot be separated from me, I reside as a soul in living beings, like the Panchabhootha/fire, water, Ether, Earth, Air which cannot be separated from the Prakrithi, which is the source of the functioning of life on Earth, I am the soul which is the source of the functioning of the mind, intellect, Prana, and Indhriyas, therefore you have not separated from me.  The supreme soul is pure and it represents wisdom, it is the source of three states known as Swapna/dreaming, Sushupthi/sleep and Jagrath/awaken in living beings, therefore contemplate upon me as supreme soul resides in you.  I have to stay away from you for enhancing your devotion like the chaste women always think of their husband and children who are away from them. You have to leave all your worries and grief, and meditate upon me and constantly contemplate upon me, you will attain me.”  The female of cowherds immensely delighted listening to messages of Krishna; they remembered all those passionate sports of Krishna, various humor and passionate sports with the young maiden of Vraja, in this way they fixed their mind and intellect upon him.  They have sung in praise of his various amusements, and valorous deeds, eventually their mind and hearts were brimming with the love for Krishna, “Hey! Natha, Hey! Ramanatha, Oh! Lord of Vraja/Vrajanatha, Oh! Arththinashana, Oh! Govinda kindly relieve the Vraja from the sorrows and miseries, and elevate our souls.”

Hey Natha  Hey Ramanatha Vrajanatha Arththinashana | Magnamudhdhara Govinda Gokulam Vrajinarnnavath ||

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -235 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 86


Priyasakha Punaraga: Preyasa  Prekshitha: Kim  Varaya Kimanurundhdhe Mananeeyoasi Meananga | Nayasi Kathamihasman Dhusthyaja Dhvandhaparshvam Sathathamurasi Saumya  Shreervadhu: Sakamasthe ||

The female cowherd began to speak “ Oh! Madhupa/honey bee, do not touch our feet. You are already carrying the vermilion adorned in the bosom of women of Mathura, from their garlands adorned on their chest, do not appear before us as a messenger of him and hurt us.  Once, we have tasted the nectar-like saliva from the mouth of Krishna, we ran after him and fallen in love with him, we have abandoned our families and material world and surrendered at his lotus feet, he has abandoned us, so how could we call him pure and unblemished? Therefore do not touch us.  Oh! Madhupa, are you singing in praise of him? You can return to Krishna who is taking pleasure in the company of women in Mathura, and sing before him.  Whoever does not worship Krishna remains unfortunate.  The fortunate people worship Krishna with his grace, with the touch of dust from his feet; they would remain free from miseries of worldly existence.  Oh! Madhupa, Once, we were fortunate to have the nearness of his lotus feet, now we have abandon from that fortune as well.  Therefore we will not trust that black complexioned one. Once, a woman approached him with intense desire was disfigured by him, he fastened Bali who was willing to offer everything he has owned, therefore it is nothing new from him, he has abandoned us.  We have discarded our families and homes listening to his melodious music on flute, we abandoned our nest like birds, now we have no one to depend on, he has abandoned us.  We are like a herd of female deer searching for the male who kindled our emotions with his nail, now the messenger of Krishna has to speak all about his Master, we have nothing to remember other than Krishna, you have nothing else to talk other than Krishna, hence speak something other than him.  Oh! Madhupa when will Krishna come back? Did he enquire about us? Did he remember us? Will, it possible to meet him again? have the opportunity to get the nearness of his feet? Will have the fortune to adorn his feet on our heads?  Will we have the opportunity to keep his hands on our heads? have that pleasure to remain in his company? Kindly tell us in detail.”