Saturday, October 26, 2019

||Srimad Bhagavath Mahapuran||

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 28 – The legend of Devi Bhakti/devotion

The grand recital of Srimad Bhagavath Mahapuran was organized by Maharishi Narada in Naimisharanya, all the illustrious Rishis and sages Shuka Shauna with eighty-eight Sages assembled, Sanaka, Sanandhana, Sanathan and Sanathkumara and Goddess Bhakti and her two elderly sons Gnana and Vairagya arrived.  The raised platform was occupied by Sage Sutha Pauranika, the recital of the significance of Bhagavath Mahapuran began, instantly Goddess Bhakti and her sons Gnana and Vairagya regained their youthfulness.  Maharishi Narada became delightful to see that even a drop of the Bhagavath Mahapuran brought tremendous changes in Gnana and Vairagya, he was confident that the recital of entire Bhagavath Mahapuran would do remarkable changes in Gnana and Vairagya to regain their youth.  Devi Bhakti was immensely pleased to see her children Gnana and Vairagya cheerfully dancing around after listening to the significance of the recital of Bhagavath Mahapuran.  She prostrated before the sacred scripture and Sutha Pauranika who was seated on the raised platform.  She earnestly prayed to Sutha Pauranika “ Mahatma, where should I be seated?” Sutha Pauranika replied, “ Devi, kindly take your seat in the hearts of the Sages and Rishis assembled”.  The inner meaning of this dialogue was Bhakti/devotion should be in the hearts of all the living souls, the place where the supreme Lord wanted to be seated with Devi Bhakti.  Once the supreme Lord take seats in the heart of devotees, he will not leave the place.  Devi Bhakti is his dearest darling; he would always go behind her.  Therefore, the practice of devotion is the initial state of attaining success in spirituality.  The Supreme Lord and Devi Bhakti take seats in the heart of devotees whose heart free from impurities like jealousy, pride, anger, lust, ego etc…

Once, Maharishi Narada met a woman who was seated on the river banks of Yamuna in deep meditation.  Narada was immensely pleased to see her devotion, he went near to the woman who immediately opened her eyes and prostrated before Maharishi.  Narada enquired her who was she meditating upon? She said “ Maharaj, I am completely troubled with the beautiful little boy Krishna, he is not leaving my mind for a second, my mind is always chasing him.  Therefore, I am not able to perform any of my household tasks, I am getting shouting from my in-laws for not doing any household tasks perfectly.  They are calling me I am out of mind.  Once, my mother-in-law asked to milk the cows; I went to the cowshed and collected the milk while returning the black little boy appeared before me asking for milk.  I have poured all the milk collected on his palm to quench his thirst, I felt highly pleased.  In a  few seconds, I got out of my dream and saw all the milk collected were spilled on the floor, my mother-in-law screamed at me for wasting the milk.  Once, I was assigned the work of cleaning the rice when I was seated before the grinding stone, the marvelous little child Krishna appeared before me, I had a pleasant conversation for hours and hours, thus time has passed.  My mother-in-law shouted at me calling insane for talking to myself for hours and hours.   I am troubled with the little child of Yashomathi.  Once, she asked to get water from the river Yamuna.  I took the mud pot and went to the river to fetch water.  I have filled the mud pot, but it was too heavy to carry, soon there arrived the little child of Yashomathi and offered help.  I thought it is good that he arrived to help me in the right time, we lifted the mud pot together, but he left his hand, the mud pot fell on the ground and broken, I have returned home empty-handed, once again my mother-in-law started shouting at me.  I have decided I have to remove this little child from my intellect, then only I can perform any of the household tasks.  Maharaj I have tried all practices to shut him out of my mind and eyes, kindly advise me which practice I should follow to get my mind free from his thoughts.”  Maharishi Narada was stunned to hear the request of the young maiden of the cowherd, he thought the entire world is chasing behind the little son of Yashomathi, abandoning their homes and material well-being, practicing various Yogic practices, performing austerities and follows different methods of worships, meditation, etc..  The cowherds of Vraja were immensely devoted to the supreme Lord and he resided in their hearts as well as in their intellect.  Therefore the practice of devotion would bring the eternal presence of the supreme Lord in the hearts of devotees.   Hence, Sutha Pauranika requested Devi Bhakti to reside in the hearts of all the Sages and Rishis assembled to listen to the glorious myths of Srimad Bhagavath Mahapuran in the Naimisharanya.