Wednesday, November 20, 2019

||Srimad Bhagavath Mahapuran||

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 38– The Legend of Druva’s clan

Druva was married to Bhrami, the daughter of  Prajapathi Shishumara.  This couple had two children Kalpa and Vathsara, later Druva was married to Ila who is the daughter of Lord Vayu, and this couple had a son Ulkala.  Druva was ruling the kingdom wisely, people of the Kingdom were extremely happy.   During this period a tragic event took place, Uththama who was the son of Suruchi was unmarried went for a hunting expedition, he chased a bear and shot it with an arrow, before that the son of Kubera shot the boar with his arrow.  Uththama and the son of Lord Kubera had a conflict about who killed the boar, finally, Uththama was killed by the son of Lord Kubera.  The royal attendants informed the news to the palace.  Suruchi was heartbroken went in search of the dead body of her son in the woods.  She continued her search for the mortal coil, forgot hunger and thirst, finally she was trapped inside the huge wood fire and burnt alive.  Druva got very angry to hear about the death of his brother Uththama, and extremely sad to hear the death of his stepmother Suruchi.  He proclaimed a battle against the Yaksha clan, a vicious battle was held between Druva and Yaksha, many of the yakshas were killed in the battle. 

Finally, Druva took the powerful Narayanasthra to wipe off the clan of Yaksha soon there appeared Swayambhuva Manu/grandfather, before him and said “ Oh! Dear child, your deeds are heaving you to the hell of sinners, therefore you should not fall prey to anger, it is not suitable for our clan.  You should not annihilate an entire clan of Yaksha, for the death of your brother Uththama.  You should not punish an entire clan for the mistake of a single person of that clan, killing human beings like animals will not lead to a righteous path, and you should not hurt anyone.  You have witnessed the supreme Lord who resides as a soul in living beings, by extreme penance, do you think is it agreeable to Lord Hari? Dear son, you have to change your attitude towards the Yakshas.  You can please the Supreme Lord with the qualities of humility/patience/sublimation/ acceptance/ control of senses, kindness, equality, and companionship.  The Supreme Lord resides in the heart of those who possess the above qualities, he/she would remain Jeevanmuktha/renounced soul, ultimately attain the Bhramam.”  Druva understood the valuable teachings of Swayambhuva Manu and immediately rushed out of the battlefield, he has fallen at the feet of Lord Kubera.

Lord Kubera speaks “ Oh! Dear child, your people did not kill our people, and our person did not kill your brother, all that was happened due to the influence of ‘Time’  I am extremely pleased with your behavior.  Dear child, you have attained the grace of Lord, therefore turn all your attention towards that supreme Lord and take shelter upon his lotus feet.  Oh! Dear child, ask for boons whatever you would like to have in your life.”

Druva replied to Lord Kubera “ Oh! Lord, kindly give me intense and firm devotion at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari, so that I can get relieved from all the troubles and miseries of the worldly existence.” Lord Kubera blessed Druva, he returned to Kingdom and ruled wisely for several years.  Later, Druva crowned his elder son as the Emperor of the Kingdom and returned to the woods of Badrikashram.  He undertook the practice of Ashtanga yoga, immersed in the meditation upon Lord Sri Hari, tears flooded from his cheeks.  Soon Vishnuparshadha arrived with a celestial vehicle to take Druva to the supreme abode of Lord Vishnu.   Mrithudeva arrived and reverentially offered his head to place Druva’s leg, he remembered his mother Sunithi who was inspiring all through his life, saw his mother on another celestial vehicle, he greeted her with all respects.  Thus, Druva and Devi Sunithi attained the lotus feet of Lord Hari with their intense devotion and faith.