Wednesday, March 11, 2020

|| Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter – 202 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 53

Parjjanyo Bhagavan Indhra Meghasthasyathma Moorthaya: | Theyabhivarshanthi Bhoothanam  Preeninam Jeevanam Paya: || Thathccheshanopa Jeevanthi Thrivargaphala Hethave | PUmsam Purushakaranam Parjjanya: Phalabhavana: ||

Srimad Bhagavath Mahapuran is the essence of Veda, which is difficult to follow, hence Maharishi Vedavyasa wrote several Puranas and Upapurans/Smrithi to describe the splendor of supreme Lord mentioned in the Veda/Shruthi as beyond description and comparison.  Srimad Bhagavath Mahapuran describes several incarnations of supreme Lord and his various amusements, it describes the purpose of the incarnation of Lord, and it narrates the beautiful appearance of Supreme Lord, and finally the lessons for the spiritual advancement, to learn the highest philosophies mentioned in the Veda and Vedantha. The scriptures promote the practice of worship/ Saguna Upasana to attain the Nirguna Bhramam through constant practice of meditation and contemplation; eventually, it brings humility, simplicity, and curiosity in the worshiper.

Once, Krishna noticed a huge preparation for a celebration was taking place at home, his father and the villagers were actively making arrangements.  It was all clear that something grand function has been organized by Nandababa and the villagers of Vraja.  The Supreme Lord Krishna/ Sarvathma who resides as a soul in living beings is impartial approached Nandababa and spoke with curiosity “ Oh! Father, kindly narrates about the enthusiastic arrangements you have made, what are the ingredients used for the celebration and what’s the purpose of it, you are intellectual you could describe them elaborately.  Oh! Father, I am curious to know whether you are performing this ceremony with thorough knowledge of it or not, or following them as it has been custom in our family.” 

 Keeping the custom and traditions confidential, without sharing the knowledge of it thereby causing hindrance to the spiritual advancement of others considered as a heinous deed, any religious deeds performed with thorough knowledge would bring its fullest results; otherwise, it remains a deed itself.  The religious deed performed with pride, ignorance, expecting fruitful results nullifies the piousness, and the performance of any religious or spiritual rites not for personal motive would bring the serenity of mind and elevation of the soul.

Nandababa speaks “Oh! Child, we are making arrangements to perform a huge Yaga to please Lord Indra, who is the Lord of clouds and source of rains.  Water is essential for the existence of life on Earth, without rains it is impossible to breed the cattle, conduct cultivation of crops in agricultural fields and life on Earth become impossible without it, therefore we are performing the Yaga to please Lord Indra, so that he will bless the Vraja with more rains.  Oh! Child, this was the rite we have been performing several years now, we cannot stop performing the Yaga which was followed by several generations, so whoever put stop the Karmas performed by several generations due to various reasons, would not have any auspiciousness in their lives.”

Ya Yevam  Visrije Dharmam Parambaryagatham Nara: | Kama Lobhath Bhayathdhveshathsa Vai Napnothi Shobhanam ||

Lord Keshava smiled as a response to the speeches of Nandababa.