Saturday, March 14, 2020

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -213 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 64


Rasothsava: Sambavriththo Gopimandala Manditha: | Yogeshwarena Krishnena Thasam Madhye  Dhvayordhvayo: | Pravishtena Griheethanam Kande  Swanikatam Sthriya: || Nrithyanthi Gayanthi Kachith Koojan Noopuramekhala | Parshvasthachyutha Hasthabjam Shranthadhasthanayo: Shivam ||

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, thus Govdina with his presence removed the grief of pain of separation of cowherds.   In the beautiful woods of Vrindavan, Krishna and the female of cowherds began the glorious Rasosthava.  The Supreme Lord Krishna who is Yogeshwara stood in the middle of the circle of women of cowherds, they could see little Krishna between every two Gopis.   The deities and Gandharvas appeared on the sky, celestial Gandharvas performed marvelous music, deities showered flowers on Krishna, and the whole of Vrindavan reverberated with the music, jingling sounds bangles and anklets of cowherds and Krishna.  Maharishi Narada informed all the deities, illustrious Rishis and Sages about the glorious Rasakreeda in the Vrindavan, all the deities appeared to witness it, they felt jealous of the female of cowherds who had the fortune to take pleasure in the merriment with Krishna.  The magnificent Rasamandala filled with Gopis and Krishna who meticulously dancing to the tunes, his beautiful movements of legs and body, two hands resting on the shoulders of Gopis, a beautiful smile on his face, ear ornaments, and the garlands were delightfully moving here and there, Gopis who is adorned in marvelous garments, ornaments on the ear and chest, long and curly hair locks adorned in flowers were attractively moving according to their dances, their faces were soaked in perspiration, they beautifully sang and Krishna danced to the tune of their music, like the rain clouds crammed in the sky produce thunderstorms and lightning.  Thus Devakisutha who is adorned in marvelous yellow garment and upper clothing on the waist, adorned in Vanamala, Srivastham, Kausthubham, flute and various precious ornaments as anklets, waist ornaments, armlets, bangles, necklace, Makarakundalam, beautiful knot of the top of the head adorned with feathers of peacock and pearl ornaments, he has pleasing smile, the forehead is adorned in vermilion and sandalwood paste, eyes decorated with Kajol, and his lips have a resemblance to Bimba fruits.  They embraced each other, took great pleasure in the company of Devakisutha whose mirror image appeared between every two maiden of cowherds did not take notice of their disheveled hair, ornaments and garments were misplaced.  In that full moon night, Lord Chandra instructed the planets to not to move from their orbit, they standstill and took pleasure in watching the glorious Rasakreeda.   In this way all the stars, planets took pleasure in the Rasakreeda of supreme Lord.  The female of cowherds were all tired of dance and music, Krishna advised them to pleasure in the water sport in Yamuna.  They dived in the waters of Yamuna and splashed waters on each others; they were completely wrapped up in water sport like herds of elephants.  Even though Krishna performed various amusements with the female of cowherds, he considered them as his mirror image, he did not find any difference in them and the females of cowherds, in this way the supreme Lord Hrishikesha overpowered the influence of cupid arrows.”

Smasthapanaya  Dharmasya  Prashamayetharasya  Cha | Avatheernno Hi Bhagavanamshena Jagadheeshwara : || Sa Katham Dharmasethunam Vaktha Kartha Abirakshitha | Pratheepamacharath Bhraman Paradharabhimarshanam || Apthakamo Yadhupathi: Krithavan Vai Jugupsitham | Kimabipraya Yetham Na: Samshayam Chindhdhi Suvratha ||

King Pareekshith speaks “ Oh! Bhraman, the supreme Lord incarnated on the Earth to reinstate Dharma, he is Jagadheeshwara who speaks about righteousness and protector of the same, Oh! Suvrtha, Yadhupathi performed passionate sports with the female of cowherds who are well married off, kindly narrate the meaning about it.”

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, the supreme Lord is Yogeshwareshwara who is free from worldly matters and bondage; he performed various passionate sports moved around freely without getting attached to matter, people, and objects.  You have heard the female cowherds who abandoned all the worldly matter and bondage and took shelter in the supreme Lord.  Therefore Krishna had no attachments to anything or anyone, he performed the glorious Rasaleela and to make it clear that he is all-pervading, resides as a soul in female cowherds and their husbands as well, it was a pastime of supreme Lord assuming the form of a cowherd with the influence of Maya.”

Gopeenam Thath Pathinam Cha Sarveshameva  Dhehinam | Yoanthshcharathi Soadhyaksha: Kreedeneneha Dhehabhak || Anugrahaya Bhoothanam Manuham Dhehamasthitha: | Bhajathe Thadhrishi: Kreeda  Ya: Shruthva Thathparo Bhaveth ||

Shuka Bhramam continues “ Oh! Rajan, the supreme Lord has assumed the form of a cowherd to elevate the souls and shower his grace upon them.  Oh! Rajan, the husbands of the female cowherds did not realize the absence of their wives while they were performing passionate sport with supreme Lord Krishna, surprisingly they felt the presence of their wives in their homes too.  Whoever reads or listens to this glorious Rasakreeda of supreme Lord Krishna would attain intense devotion and faith; they would remain free from lust, desires, and worldly attachments”.