Saturday, March 14, 2020

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya ||

Chapter -214 – The legend of Lord Krishna – 65

Yekadha  Devayathrayam Gopala Jathakauthuka: | Anobirandudhyukthai: Prayayusthe Ambikavanam || Thathra Snathva Saraswathyam Devam Pashupathim Vibhum | Anarchurarhanair Bhakthya Devim Cha Nripathe Ambikam ||

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, once it was an auspicious day of Lord Pashupati. Nandababa, Krishna, Balarama and all the cowherds arrived in Ambikavanam to worship Lord Shiva.  They undertook austerities took bath in the pond and worshiped Lord Pashupati and Ambika in the wood.   The Brahmins who conducted worship were received with great respect and offered charities.  It was on the riverbank of Saraswathi, all the cowherds and Nandababa took rest on the sand bed of the river, suddenly a giant serpent leaped on the body of Nandababa and fastened him.   Nandababa shrieked out calling for Krishna, the cowherds tried all their tricks on the body of the serpent to get to unfasten from the body of Nandababa was failed miserably.  Krishna placed his feet on the body of the serpent, Alas! The serpent has assumed the form of attractive Vidhyadhara, who has the complexion of precious yellow metal with marvelous appearance, prostrated before Krishna and said “Oh! Bhagavan, I was born in the illustrious Vidhyadhara, I am Sudharshana, I was proud of my marvelous appearance, wealth, and fame; I was traveling with the beautiful women on my celestial vehicle, singing and enjoying the splendor of nature.  On my way, I have met Rishi Angirass, and I laughed at his unique appearance, he cursed to become a giant serpent, I felt disappointed and begged for forgiveness.  Rishi Angirass advised me that the touch of your feet would relieve me from the curse.  Oh! Bhagavan, I have realized that the curse has become a great blessing to get the touch of Your lotus feet.  I have got relieved from the curse of twice-born at the touch of your feet, I have thoroughly understood that the touch of your feet would relieve the souls from all their sins and curse.”

Prapannoasmin Mahayogin Mahapurusha  Sathpathe | Anujanihi Mam  Deva Sarvalokeshwareshwara||

Shuka Bhramam continues “ Oh! Rajan, the Vidhyadhara Sudharshana circumambulated Krishna and prostrated before him.  The people of Vraja were awe-struck watching the Vidhyadhara leaving from their sight; they spend that night in the Ambikavanam and on the next day returned to Vraja.  Oh! Rajan, The women of cowherds and the people of Vraja praised Krishna and his various pastimes.  It has become a regular practice that Krishna and Balaram assemble in the woods of Vrindavan during the night and perform passionate sports with the women of cowherds; they sing loudly and dance during the night hours in the creepers of Mallika.  The women of cowherds forgot themselves listening to the melodious music of flute; they did not realize the clothes slipped off from their bodies, disheveled hair, and ornaments.  Once, Krishna was playing melodious music on the flute, the women of cowherds sat around him, they were taking immense pleasure in the melodious music and dancing to the tune.  Suddenly there appeared Shankhachooda born in the clan of Yaksha and abducted the women of cowherds who were dancing around Krishna.  The females shrieked loudly for help, Krishna punished Shakhachooda and removed the precious ornament adorned on his head and gave it to his elder brother.   In this way, the women of cowherds were protected from the abduction of Shankhachooda.”