|| Om Namo Bhagavathe
Chapter – 344 – The legend
of Lord Krishna - 195
Bhikshu Gita
Nayam Jano Mey Sukhadhukha
Hethu Na Devathathma Graha Karma Kala: | Mana: Param Karanam Mamananthi
Samsarachakram Parivarthayedhyath || Dhanam
Swadharmo Niyamo Yamashcha Shrutham Cha Karmani Cha Sadhrathvathani |
Sarve Manonigraha Lakshanantha: Paro Hi
Yogo Manasa: Samadhi : ||
Dhvija speaks “ Oh!
Mahatma, The people are not the reason for happiness and sorrows, the deities
or the supreme soul, or change of planets, or Karma or Time is not the reason for
unhappiness, it is the mind and intellect wedged in worldly matters, causes
grief and hurls the person into the cycles of worldly existence. The mind and intellect is under constant
influence of Sathvik, Rajasik and Thamasik Gunas, the over influence of Sathvik
Guna causes compassion, and selflessness, the Rajasik Guna causes anger and
jealousy and the Thamasik Guna cause the darkness of ignorance and grief. The practice of performance of Charity/knowledge,
wealth, grains, clothes, land, cows, etc., Swadharma/duties and responsibilities,
Niyama, Yama, Shrutham/listening to the glorious legend of supreme Lord, following
austerities and vows, to get rid of the cluster of unwanted thoughts and interest
in worldly matters, it will lead the mind into a state of supreme bliss, a
state where no happiness or sorrow. The
performance of righteous deeds, spiritual and religious rites would remove the
weaknesses in mind, it brings pleasantness.
The thoughts are powerful weapons; it should be dealt with constant
meditation and contemplation upon the supreme Lord, soon will realize to know about the supreme power in
us, in this way we can win over even the
greatest of the enemies. The ignorant
will not realize the immense potential in them and consider others as friends,
and enemies, and remain weak-minded always, an ignorant get attached to people,
wealth, money, richness, possessions and fame, with a wrong perception and get
stuck and lives in the cluster of unwanted thoughts. Oh! Mahatma, which is making you disappointed,
People or attachment to the people? No. It is not that people cause grief or sorrow,
it is the thoughts or attachment that causes grief and misery. Do you think that
deity is making you depressed? No. The deity cannot harm the devotees, if so
they are not venerable, deities are following the command of supreme Lord, like the sun is the Lord of Day and moon is the Lord of night. Do you think the body is causing grief? No. The
body is not causing grief, the attachment to the body causes grief, due to the lack
of knowledge that the body has to undergo aging, illnesses, and death. Therefore,
if the mind was attached to the supreme soul, it won’t grieve over the changes
in the body. Hence, the “I’
consciousness causes grief, the supreme consciousness relieves sorrows. Do you think the planets or changes in the
planetary positions or Time causes grief? No. They cannot cause grief to an individual; it
is the thought that makes an individual unhappy.” In this way, the Bikshu with his
intense faith and devotion upon the lotus feet of Mukunda, elevated his soul,
like any other illustrious Rishis and Sages, and attained a state where there
is no sorrow or happiness.