Wednesday, May 6, 2020

||Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya||

Chapter – 64 – The legend of Lord Krishna – The legend of King Pareekshith

Shuka Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, I shall describe the creation of the supreme Lord in detail.   The lotus born Bhrama looked around the Universe found extreme darkness, curious to know about his origin, all he could hear was‘Ta Pa’, he immersed in penance, after that went through the lotus stalk and witnessed the glorious form of Lord Vishnu who is Shriyapathi, Yajjapathi, Saththvathampathi, reclines on the thousand hooded serpent Anantha.  Lord Bhrama prostrated before Lord Vishnu was taken in his hands and advised the Chatusholki Bhagavath, which is the essence of Veda and Vedantha, to begin creation, Lord Bhrama prays to Lord Vishnu that he should not take pride in his creation.”

Ahamevasamevagre  Nanyathsadhasathparam | Pashchath Aham Yadhethashcha Yoavashishyetha Soasamyaham || Ritheartham Yathpratheeyetha Na  Pratheeyetha Chathmani | Thadhvidhyadhathmano Mayam Yadhabhaso Yadha Thama: || Yadha Mahanthi Bhoothani Bhootheshucchavacheshvanu | Pravishtanya Pravishtyani Thadha Theshu Na Theshvaham || Yethava Deva Jijjasyam Thaththva Jijjyasuthathmana: | Anvayavyatherekabhyam Yathsya Sarvathra Sarvadha ||

Shukha Bhramam speaks “ Oh! Rajan, Lord Vishnu advised Lord Bhrama, if he follows the advice of the Chatushloki Bhagavath, he will not face any distress in his life.  Lord Vishnu gives that marvelous knowledge of Chathusholki Bhagavath and speaks, “Oh! Bhrama, at the beginning of the creation, before the origin of indestructible supreme soul /Sath  and destructible Prakrithi/Asath, I was the only one existed, even after that I was the only once remained, once the both disappears I will be the only one remain.” Oh! Rajan, he is the protector of mind and intellect originated from the supreme soul, therefore it should return to that supreme soul at the end, hence he is the ultimate asylum for the Jeeva.  Oh! Rajan, the Jeeva realizes the presence of mind and intellect and the body/’I’ consciousness, forget to realizes the presence of the Supreme Lord as the soul which is the source of functioning of it, due to its Maya.  An ignorant never realizes the presence of the Supreme Lord as a soul in them, the intellectuals realize the eternal presence of the supreme soul with the knowledge of ‘Self’ and contemplates upon it and remain in a state of bliss, like the brilliance of sun rays removes the darkness.”

I shall narrate the story of two birds seated on the two different branches of a tree, one is Jeevathma seated on the lower branch/lower mind, that keeps making sounds of restless cries and another one on the top of the branch is Paramatha who resides as soul in living beings is serene always.  The supreme soul has possessed immense potential  than the body and mind, physical strength is lower than the strength of the mind, and the subtle soul resides as Prana has limitless potentials than the mind and intellect.  Therefore the lower mind keeps the Jeeva away from the knowledge of presence of supreme soul and engages in various worldly matters and bondages, get fasten to it without knowing the way to get freed from it.  The intellectuals who have the knowledge of the supreme Lord who resides as a soul in living beings realizes his eternal presence in them with the constant meditation and contemplation, achieves a higher state of spirituality, complete serenity of mind to handle any adverse situations in life.  The Icchashakthi, Gnanashakthi, and Kriyashakthi of supreme Lord symbolize Lord Bhrama, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, further the trinities undertakes the functions of creation, preservation, and destruction respectively.